
R code for https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.06990

Primary LanguageR

An Alternative Gaussian Process Objective Based on the R'enyi Divergence


  • We introduce an alternative closed-form objective function $\alpha$-ELBO for parameter estimation in the Gaussian process ($\mathcal{GP}$) based on the R'enyi $\alpha$-divergence.
  • We use a decreasing temperature parameter $\alpha$ to iteratively deform the objective function during optimization. Ultimately, our objective function converges to the exact likelihood function of $\mathcal{GP}$. At early stages of optimization, $\alpha$-ELBO can be viewed as a regularizer that smoothens out some unwanted critical points. At late stages, $\alpha$-ELBO recovers the exact likelihood function that guides the optimizer to solutions that best explain the observed data.
  • Theoretically, we derive an upper bound of the R'enyi divergence under the proposed objective and derive convergence rates for a class of smooth and non-smooth kernels.
  • Case studies on a wide range of real-life engineering applications demonstrate that our proposed objective is a practical alternative that offers improved prediction performance over several state of the art inference techniques.



  • CMAPSSData.zip -- the NASA condition monitoring dataset
  • contour_plot_1.R, contour_plot_2.r and high_dimension_plot.R -- generate contour plots in our main paper
  • experiment.R -- optimizing the $\alpha$-ELBO using high-dimensional input data. All dimensions have the same length parameter $\ell$
  • different_length.R -- optimizing the $\alpha$-ELBO using high-dimensional input data. This file is similar to "experiment.R", yet we assign a unique length parameter $\ell_d$ to each dimension $d$, instead of using the same length parameter
  • griewank.R and grlee12.r -- simulation functions
  • logL.R -- our objective function
  • mBCG_noT.R -- the blackbox matrix-matrix multiplication (BBMM) algorithm
  • turbine.R -- code to test our algorithm on the NASA condition monitoring dataset


  • Here, we give a brief overview of our implementation. Please check each file to see the annotated version of our code.
  • Our objective function $\alpha$-ELBO is defined in the file "LogL.R". This file includes the implementation of Eq. (7) in Sec. 4.2 in our main paper.
  • Files "different_length.R", "experiment.R", and "turbine.R" contain implementation of our algorithms using different datasets. We evaluate the gradient of $\alpha$-ELBO numerically using the "nloptr" package. In the optimization process, we take a batch of training data and evaluate the numerical gradient of $\alpha$-ELBO. We then update our model parameter by running the gradient method implemented in the "nloptr" package.
  • The prediction is made through the BBMM algorithm. We implement a conjugate gradient method (in the file "mBCG_noT.R") to solve a quadratic optimization problem in Sec. 6 and obtain the predictive mean and variance.