
1. Motion Detection and Alarm system Human Motion detection with 5m range, display Motion detected message on LCD, Bluetooth app and also indication using Buzzer and LED indicators. USE: PIR Sensor, Bluetooth, LCD Display, Buzzer and LED Indicator 2. Bluetooth Numeric printer Simple printer application using LCD and 7 segment Display. Send HEX values from 0 to F, ASCII values of a to z and ASCII values of A to Z and print it on LCD and 7 segment display USE: Bluetooth, 7 segment Display, LCD display 3. Motors control with Bluetooth and Push buttons DC Motors direction control using buttons and Bluetooth app. Use each of 4 buttons for direction control of Forward, Backward, Left, Right (robot application). Use LCD to print direction of motor rotation in real time. USE: 2 DC Motors, Push Buttons, Bluetooth with 4 buttons, LCD Display 4. Ultrasonic range Detector Detect the distance of the objects and print the sensor values in both CM and Inches on LCD and Bluetooth App. Use Ultrasonic to detect the distance and use Buzzer and LED Indicators when distance is <5 cm. Caution should be written on LCD and Bluetooth too. USE: Ultrasonic sensor, LCD, Bluetooth, Buzzer and LED Indicator. 5. PIR sensor enabled Automated Relays (Without Arduino) Without any microcontroller, use PIR sensor to detect the motion and actuate the relay for 5 minutes (tune the delay accordingly) and also a buzzer/LED indication throughout the relay ON USE: PIR Sensor, Relay, Buzzer/LED 6. PIR sensor enabled Automated Relays (With Arduino) By using PIR sensor to detect the motion and actuate the relay for 5 minutes (tune the delay accordingly) using Arduino and also send the caution messages to LCD and Bluetooth parallelly USE: PIR Sensor, Relay, LCD, Buzzer, Bluetooth 7. Automated Temperature controller Displaying the Temperature data (both *C and *F) on LCD and Bluetooth app in Realtime and whenever the temperature crosses 30*C, Actuate the relay (should be on till it will reach 25*C) and indicate through buzzer (only 2 sec ON) USE: LM35 temperature sensor, LCD, Relay, Bluetooth, Buzzer. 8. IR sensor enabled UP Counter Simple UP counter starts from 0 values and when ever the object detects, the counter value will be incremented. Print the counter values on LCD, Bluetooth app and 7Segment display (only up to 9) USE: IR sensor, LCD, 7 segment display, Buzzer and LED indicator.

Primary LanguageC++


  1. Motion Detection and Alarm system Human Motion detection with 5m range, display Motion detected message on LCD, Bluetooth app and also indication using Buzzer and LED indicators. USE: PIR Sensor, Bluetooth, LCD Display, Buzzer and LED Indicator

  2. Bluetooth Numeric printer Simple printer application using LCD and 7 segment Display. Send HEX values from 0 to F, ASCII values of a to z and ASCII values of A to Z and print it on LCD and 7 segment display USE: Bluetooth, 7 segment Display, LCD display

3.Motors control with Bluetooth and Push buttons DC Motors direction control using buttons and Bluetooth app. Use each of 4 buttons for direction control of Forward, Backward, Left, Right (robot application). Use LCD to print direction of motor rotation in real time. USE: 2 DC Motors, Push Buttons, Bluetooth with 4 buttons, LCD Display

  1. Ultrasonic range Detector Detect the distance of the objects and print the sensor values in both CM and Inches on LCD and Bluetooth App. Use Ultrasonic to detect the distance and use Buzzer and LED Indicators when distance is <5 cm. Caution should be written on LCD and Bluetooth too. USE: Ultrasonic sensor, LCD, Bluetooth, Buzzer and LED Indicator.

5.PIR sensor enabled Automated Relays (Without Arduino) Without any microcontroller, use PIR sensor to detect the motion and actuate the relay for 5 minutes (tune the delay accordingly) and also a buzzer/LED indication throughout the relay ON USE: PIR Sensor, Relay, Buzzer/LED

  1. PIR sensor enabled Automated Relays (With Arduino) By using PIR sensor to detect the motion and actuate the relay for 5 minutes (tune the delay accordingly) using Arduino and also send the caution messages to LCD and Bluetooth parallelly USE: PIR Sensor, Relay, LCD, Buzzer, Bluetooth

  2. Automated Temperature controller Displaying the Temperature data (both C and F) on LCD and Bluetooth app in Realtime and whenever the temperature crosses 30C, Actuate the relay (should be on till it will reach 25C) and indicate through buzzer (only 2 sec ON) USE: LM35 temperature sensor, LCD, Relay, Bluetooth, Buzzer.

  3. IR sensor enabled UP Counter Simple UP counter starts from 0 values and when ever the object detects, the counter value will be incremented. Print the counter values on LCD, Bluetooth app and 7Segment display (only up to 9) USE: IR sensor, LCD, 7 segment display, Buzzer and LED indicator.



https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/73009807/134137902-e6afbe48-7e7b-4414-b802-724c90229e40.mp4 circute image componet list motion detected1 motion not detected serial moniter



componets list

circute image



PROJECT -3 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GH9Q7NnNfusBAQGqmAQ28IpImsohRhJ1/view?usp=sharing




circute image

left image

forword image

backword image

componets list

moter off

right image

serial moniter








aultasonic image


circut diagram

components list

circut 2 image



circut image

components list






circut image

components list

room temperature cross the 30 c image

serial moniter







devies list for ir sensor

IR Sensor circuit

object not detecetd image

object not detecetd image

serial moniter image



