Main: Full Scale Payload 2023: ARCHIE

The home of UMass Rocket Team's payload control software. For deployment on ARCHIE payload system

Table of Contents

  • About
  • Hardware Specifications
  • Branches
  • Roadmap
  • Acknowledgements
  • License


This repository houses all code used for the 2023 full-scale payload system. It is currently under development as the team approaches its launch deadlines.

Hardware Specifications

  • Main flight computer: Raspberry Pi 4B
  • Secondary flight comupter: Raspberry Pi Pico


  • image_processing: Contains all image processing and horizon detection source code
  • pico_main: Contains all communication source code for pico to BNO055, SD card, and Raspberry Pi 4
  • greenway: Contains all code contributed by Calista Greenway. This includes comms for pico, servo rotation, xbee comms, and camera init source code.
  • liousas: Contains all code contributed by Demetri Liousas. Includes launch-landing detection, flight time calculation, and simulation data.
  • motor_control: Contains all motor control source code, for general motor control (non-specified)


Payload Subteam:

  • Calista Greenway (goobway): Payload Lead and Contributor
  • Demetri Liousas (dliousas): Contributor
  • Mitchell Sylvia (belgianlion): Contributor
  • Junyang Lu (Jun-L04): Contributor
  • Anton Voronov (ravenspired): Contributor
  • Peter Nguyen (PeterNg15): Contributor


  • To be filled out