
Visual Regression Testing with BackStop.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Visual regression testing for different scenarios, with or without Docker. Useful for testing local sites against a dev or staging site, or testing a staging site against production before or after deployment.

Remember to add the HTTP auth credentials for relevant sites: TEST_URI=https://user:pw@feature.commondesign-unocha-org.ahconu.org

Running via updates scripts.

This has been adapted to run using the scripts in https://github.com/UN-OCHA/drupal-updates. Those scripts may need some small tweaks to work with MacOS and Windows.

Set up

  • An example file for ENV variables example.env - Copy and rename to .env.
  • A txt file for the URLs to test config/urls_name-of-test.txt
  • A json file with BackstopJS configuration like viewports, scenarios, and debugging backstop_name-of-test.json
  • A js file for the test test_name-of-test.js
  • A directory for custom scripts library/engine_scripts/ to run on ready. See https://github.com/garris/BackstopJS#running-custom-scripts
  • A node script in package.json for each reference and test command

Testing a list of URLs

Screenshots of multiple viewports from a list of public URLs.

REF_URI=full URL for reference files
TEST_URI=full URL for test files

See tools-vrt/backstop_anon.json for default config.

Testing click and hover behaviour

Screenshots of multiple viewports of click and hover events based on selectors. Defaults to Common Design header UI elements - Search, OCHA Services, Main menu parent items, and Mobile menu. If any of these components are missing, the tests will fail. If there are no second level menu items, that test will fail. On desktop viewport, the Mobile menu test will fail. The screenshot will not be generated and likely a timeout error Eg. ENGINE ERROR: waiting for selector .cd-nav__btn failed: timeout 30000ms exceeded.

REF_URI=full URL for reference files
TEST_URI=full URL for test files

See tools-vrt/backstop_ui.json for default config or to add other elements. Eg.

"scenarios": [
      "clickSelector": ".cd-search__btn"

If using the click or hover interactions, scripts need to be included (Refer to Backstop examples for more info). The scripts should be added to library/engine_scripts/ and referenced by filename only Eg. "onReadyScript": "onReady.js", if "engine_scripts": "library/engine_scripts", is defined in the json config.

Testing authenticated pages

Screenshots of multiple viewports of a list of URLs that require a log in step to access. Defaults to HID login. See library/engine_scripts/login.js for default values.

REF_URI=full URL for reference files
REF_LOGIN_PAGE=path to login page Eg: '/user/login/hid'
REF_USERNAME_INPUT=username input selector Eg. '#email'
REF_PASSWORD_INPUT=password input selector Eg. '#password'
REF_SUBMIT=submit button selector Eg. '.t-btn--login'
REF_USERNAME=username for reference URL
REF_PASSWORD=password for reference URL

TEST_URI=full URL for test files
TEST_LOGIN_PAGE=path to login page Eg: '/user/login/hid'
TEST_USERNAME_INPUT=username input selector Eg. '#email'
TEST_PASSWORD_INPUT=password input selector Eg. '#password'
TEST_SUBMIT=submit button selector Eg. '.t-btn--login'
TEST_USERNAME=username for test URL
TEST_PASSWORD=password for test URL

See tools-vrt/backstop_auth.json for default config.

See https://github.com/garris/BackstopJS for config examples.

Removing images

Screenshots of multiple viewports from a list of public URLs that replaces the images with purple or cats.

REF_URI=full URL for reference files
TEST_URI=full URL for test files

See tools-vrt/backstop_img.json for default config. Swap purpleImages.js for catImages.js in onReadyScript in the backstop_img.json config.

Note: this might be integrated with the other test as it will be helpful when using VRT to test pre/post deploy.

Setup using Docker

  • Clone this repo
  • Build image docker build --tag public.ecr.aws/unocha/vrt:main --file docker/Dockerfile .
  • mkdir -p config data
  • Add URLs to config/urls_anon.txt or config/urls_auth.txt, hostname does not really matter
  • Load env variables in terminal
  • Make any configuration adjustments
  • Run the docker commands with the env variables if relevant (Eg. Authenticated user login credentials) to generate the reference and test screenshots
  • Visit tools-vrt/data/anon/html_report/index.html for report

Run tests

Generate reference screenshots

docker run \
   --shm-size 512m \
   --rm \
   --net="host" \
   --name reference \
   --entrypoint npm \
   -e REF_URI=${REF_URI} \
   -v "$(pwd)/data:/srv/data" \
   -v "$(pwd)/config:/srv/config" \
   -w /srv \
   public.ecr.aws/unocha/vrt:main \
   run reference-anon

Generate test screenshots

docker run \
   --shm-size 512m \
   --rm \
   --net="host" \
   --name test \
   --entrypoint npm \
   -e TEST_URI=${TEST_URI} \
   -v "$(pwd)/data:/srv/data" \
   -v "$(pwd)/config:/srv/config" \
   -w /srv \
   public.ecr.aws/unocha/vrt:main \
   run test-anon

Generate reference screenshots for authenticated pages

docker run \
   --shm-size 512m \
   --rm \
   --net="host" \
   --name reference \
   --entrypoint npm \
   -e REF_URI=${REF_URI} \
   -v "$(pwd)/data:/srv/data" \
   -v "$(pwd)/config:/srv/config" \
   -v "$(pwd)/backstop_auth.json:/srv/backstop_auth.json" \
   -w /srv \
   public.ecr.aws/unocha/vrt:main \
   run reference-auth

Generate test screenshots for authenticated pages

docker run \
   --shm-size 512m \
   --rm \
   --net="host" \
   --name test \
   --entrypoint npm \
   -e TEST_URI=${TEST_URI} \
   -v "$(pwd)/data:/srv/data" \
   -v "$(pwd)/config:/srv/config" \
   -v "$(pwd)/backstop_auth.json:/srv/backstop_auth.json" \
   -w /srv \
   public.ecr.aws/unocha/vrt:main \
   run test-auth

Generate reference screenshots for UI behaviour

docker run \
   --shm-size 512m \
   --rm \
   --net="host" \
   --name reference \
   --entrypoint npm \
   -e REF_URI=${REF_URI} \
   -v "$(pwd)/data:/srv/data" \
   -v "$(pwd)/config:/srv/config" \
   -v "$(pwd)/backstop_ui.json:/srv/backstop_ui.json" \
   -v "$(pwd)/test_ui.js:/srv/test_ui.js" \
   -w /srv \
   public.ecr.aws/unocha/vrt:main \
   run reference-ui

Generate test screenshots for UI behaviour

docker run \
   --shm-size 512m \
   --rm \
   --net="host" \
   --name test \
   --entrypoint npm \
   -e TEST_URI=${TEST_URI} \
   -v "$(pwd)/data:/srv/data" \
   -v "$(pwd)/config:/srv/config" \
   -v "$(pwd)/backstop_ui.json:/srv/backstop_ui.json" \
   -v "$(pwd)/test_ui.js:/srv/test_ui.js" \
   -w /srv \
   public.ecr.aws/unocha/vrt:main \
   run test-ui


If you run docker locally, explore the image via: docker run --rm --name junk --hostname junk -it --entrypoint /bin/bash public.ecr.aws/unocha/vrt:main

Test custom files locally by mapping the files as extra volumes when you run docker:

-v "$(pwd)/backstop-ui.json:/srv/backstop_ui.json"

and include the package.json with the new script commands:

-v "$(pwd)/package.json:/srv/package.json" \

To delete old images docker rmi public.ecr.aws/unocha/vrt:main

If testing a local site results in Error: net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED at [localhost] add --net="host" to the Docker command. Eg.

docker run \
 --shm-size 512m \
 --rm \
 --net="host" \

If the docker command fails with Puppeteer TypeError: text is not iterable make sure the variable is available in the container.


docker run \


docker run \
-e REF_LOGINPAGE=/user/login/hid \

Setup without Docker

  • Clone this repo
  • npm i
  • Add URLs to config/urls_anon.txt, hostname does not really matter
  • Edit .env file. Add the relevant variables to .env file and change their values as needed.

Run tests

Generate reference screenshots

npm run reference-anon

Generate test screenshots

npm run test-anon

Generate reference screenshots for authenticated pages

npm run reference-auth

Generate test screenshots for authenticated pages

npm run test-auth

Generate reference screenshots for UI behaviour

npm run reference-ui

Generate test screenshots for UI behaviour

npm run test-ui


If there are permission issues with the directories for the screenshots and reports (Eg. after running via Docker), remove the folders before running the npm commands. sudo rm -R -df data/anon/

Change debug and debugWindow to true to see the tests run in a local Chromium instance.