
ORB-SLAM-3 (released in 2020), built in Windows 10, Visual Studio 2019. Zip size 319 Mb

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


1. References

2. Prerequisites

3. Build thirdparty libraries


  • Included in Thirdparty
  • Create a 'build' directory in Thirdparty/DBoW2
  • Open CMake GUI, click Configure and select Visual Studio 16 2019
  • Enter value OpenCV_DIR: path to OpenCV build
  • Click Configure until no variables are considered new, Generate, open project in Visual Studio
  • Change build type to Release
  • Open project properties -> General tab -> Configure Type: Static Library (.lib) -> Advanced tab -> Target File Extension: .lib -> C/C++ Tab -> Code Generation -> Runtime Library: Multi-threaded(/MT)
  • Build ALL_BUILD. There are some warnings but no errors.
  • Build succeeded Thirdparty/DBoW2/lib/Release/DBoW2.lib


  • Included in Thirdparty
  • Required by g2o


  • Included in Thirdparty
  • Create a 'build' directory in Thirdparty/g2o
  • Open CMake GUI, click Configure and select Visual Studio 16 2019
  • Click Generate and open project in Visual Studio
  • Change build type to Release
  • Open project properties -> General tab -> Configure Type: Static Library (.lib) -> Advanced tab -> Target File Extension: .lib -> C/C++ Tab -> Code Generation -> Runtime Library: Multi-threaded(/MT) -> C/C++ Tab -> Preprocessor -> Preprocessor Definitions: add a 'WINDOWS' on top
  • Build ALL_BUILD. There are some warnings but no errors.
  • Build succeeded Thirdparty/g2o/build/Release/g2o.lib


  • Included in Thirdparty
  • Create a 'build' directory in Thirdparty/Pangolin
  • Open CMake GUI, click Configure and select Visual Studio 16 2019
  • Click Congifure until no variables are considered new, Generate and open project in Visual Studio
  • Change build type to Release
  • Open project properties -> C/C++ Tab -> Code Generation -> Runtime Library: Multi-threaded(/MT)
  • Build ALL_BUILD. Ignore the error 'cannot open input file pthread.lib'
  • Build succeeded ThirdParty/Pangolin/lib/Release/pangolin.lib


  • Create a 'build' directory in ORB-SLAM3
  • Open CMake GUI, click Configure and select Visual Studio 16 2019
  • Enter value OpenCV_DIR: path to OpenCV build
  • Click Congifure until no variables are considered new, Generate and open project in Visual Studio
  • In system.h and system.cc of ORB_SLAM3 project: define 'usleep' function (from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5801813/c-usleep-is-obsolete-workarounds-for-windows-mingw) which is used in examples
  • Change build type to Release
  • Set boost include and lib (can be done in CMakeLists)
  • Open project properties -> General tab -> Configure Type: Static Library (.lib) -> Advanced tab -> Target File Extension: .lib -> C/C++ Tab -> Preprocessor -> Preprocessor Definitions: add COMPILEDWITHC11 -> C/C++ Tab -> Code Generation -> Runtime Library: Multi-threaded(/MT)
  • Build ORB-SLAM3
  • Build succeeded ORB_SLAM3/build/Release/ORB-SLAM3.lib

5. BUILD examples


  • Change build type to Release
  • Open project properties -> C/C++ Tab -> Preprocessor -> Preprocessor Definitions: add COMPILEDWITHC11 -> C/C++ tab -> Code Generation -> Runtime Library: Multi-threaded(/MT) -> Linker tab -> Advanced -> delete path in Import library
  • Build stereo_inertial_tum_vi
  • Build succeeded ORB_SLAM3/Examples/Stereo-Inertial/Release/stereo_inertial_tum_vi.exe
  • Extract ORBvoc.txt.tar.gz to ORBvoc.txt
  • Run: Examples\Stereo-Inertial\Release\stereo_inertial_tum_vi path_to_vocabulary path_to_settings path_to_image_folder_1 path_to_image_folder_2 path_to_times_file path_to_imu_data trajectory_file_name
  • Result alt text