
Template repository for Student Launch code repositories.


New Repository Setup To-Do

Repository Settings

  • Add author name and email to /docs/_config.yml
  • Activate the documentation site: Settings -> scroll to Github Pages -> source: master branch /docs folder and Save
  • Enable vulnerability alerts: Settings -> scroll to Data Services -> check Vulnerability Alerts
  • Add any necessary branch protection rules: Settings -> Branches -> Branch Protection Rules
    • Master branch must require:
      • Pull request reviews before merging
      • Dismiss stale pull request approvals when new commits are pushed
      • Require status checks to pass before merging
      • Require branches be up to date before merging
      • Include administrators


  • Add basic information to /docs/index.md about what the repo is for
  • Add basic information to this file /.github/README.md about what the repo is for (should be similar to /docs/index.md)
  • If applicable, edit the basic bug report template: /.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug.md
  • If applicable, edit the basic pull request template: /.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md
  • If applicable, edit the contributing guidelines: /.github/contributing.md

Repo Structure

Most code repositories should have at minimum the following structure:

root directory
+- .github
| | +- bug.md
| | contributing.md
| | README.md
+- docs
| | index.md
+- src
+- tests
| .gitignore

Frequently, the tests directory may be better located under src. Most of the time, however, it'll be its own directory. The directory structure of tests should mirror exactly that of src, however, the code in the file(s) will not be program code, but instead be comprised of unit tests.