

Telegram-ERSU-Bot is the platform that powers @ERSUbot, a Telegram bot aided at helping students find informations about ERSU services.

This bot sends also the ERSU blog news and the related canteen menu in this Telegram channel @ERSUnews.

Using the live version

The bot is live on Telegram with the username @ERSUbot. Send '/start' to start it, '/help' to see a list of commands.

Please note that the commands and their answers are in Italian.

System requirements

  • openjdk-11-jdk
  • maven

Setting up a local istance

If you want to test the bot by creating your personal istance, follow this steps:

  • Clone this repository or download it as zip.
  • Send a message to your bot on Telegram, even '/start' will do. If you don't, you could get an error
  • Copy the file resources/config/settings.yml.dist into resources/config/settings.yml and insert your configuration (If you don't have a token, message Telegram's @BotFather to create a bot and get a token for it)
  • Now you can compile it:
$ mvn package

and execute it :

$ cd target/
$ java -jar ERSUBot-0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar


This open-source software is published under the GNU General Public License (GNU GPL) version 3. Please refer to the "LICENSE" file of this project for the full text.


This project is made possible thanks to the contributions of: