
IDEA Plugin to work with (SAP|OPEN)UI5

Primary LanguageJava

UI5 Helper

This plugin adds some codeInsight and framework knowledge for Open- and SAPUI5 to IDEA IDEs. It does not do much in its current state, it is not "production ready" and it will not save your time for now.

Some features that might be useful

Completion in XMLView

It can show you possible values for properties,

or existing event handler on the controller,

the properties, aggregations and events available on a control,

or even the controls and aggreagtions valid in the current context.

Things it may be able to do now (experimental):

  • XMLView: Go To Controller
  • Controller: Go To (XML)View
  • collapse the controller name in XMLViews
  • complete target names in manifest.json
  • Provide API Docs in XMLView
  • References to event handler implementation in XMLViews

Contribution welcome

If you have feature request, hit a bug, or the plugin just does not work for you: Please contact us. Either via GitHub or by mail.

I am not maintaining the plugin as actively as necessary since I do not work with UI5 anymore.

To build this project it should be sufficient to open it using Intellij IDEA (Community version is fine) with the Plugin SDK Plugin & the Gradle Build Plugin enabled. The tests are almost certainly broken all the time (PR welcome!) so just run the "buildPlugin" target & install the result (build/distributions/ui5helper.zip in a PHP/WebStorm of your choice).