
Randomly separate people into groups and notify each group member about being in a group via gmail.

Primary LanguageJava


Randomly separate people into groups and notify each group member about being in a group via gmail.


1. Clone this repo on your computer.

2. Change loginCredentials.txt file so that:

        1) your gmail login is on line #1

        2) your gmail password is on line #2

        3) size of a team on line #3

3. Change input.txt file so that:

        1) It contains only name of people you want to divide into groups

        2) Name of each person is on separate line

        3) If you want to send a person mail notification, write his mail on same line with his name but followed with comma.

        Ex) name, names@mail.com
           name2, name2@mail.au

           name3, name3s_1stmail.com name3s_2ndmail@mail.com

4. Run:
        1) Open repo folder in terminal

        2) Compile
            javac -cp lib/javax.mail.jar TeamRandomizer/*.java

        3) Run

            java -cp ".:lib/javax.mail.jar" TeamRandomizer/Randomizer