
Flocker is a meeting management app. It allows users to create meetings and view the availability of other users to view the best time to schedule a meeting.

Create an account, flocks (meetings), invite other users to join your flock and view the best times to hold your meetings. Includes integration with Google Calendar and allows for ical uploads so your calendars can be used to automatically mark your availability.

Flocker can be accessed at flocker.us.


Project Information

Tech Stack


This project uses Lerna for monorepo management. With this, you are able to run the front and backend in parallel with one command, or in isolation.


  • TypeScript
  • GraphQL
  • NestJS
  • Firebase Auth
  • Mongoose
  • MongoDB
  • Mongo Memory DB
  • Jest


  • TypeScript
  • React
  • Apollo GraphQL client
  • MUI
  • FirebaseUI for auth
  • React Testing Library
  • Jest

Running Locally

To run the front and backend simultaneously, follow the steps below.

To run or test the front and backend in isolation, consult the relevant READMEs.


  1. Install packages npm install

  2. Build packages npm run build

How to run

  1. Run npm start

  2. Test npm test


All features/improvements were recorded through GitHub Issues and managed using the Flocker project board. Any change to the existing code was reviewed by at least one other team member via pull requests.

Meeting minutes can be found in the Wiki.



  • Matt Moran
  • Maggie Pedersen


  • Beverley Sun
  • Yuwei Shen