
Tandem is a content management system for synchronous oral tasks for language learners.This tool will administer complementary contents to students working on a task together in a synchronous medium. The tool will retrieve the user information from the environment (e.g. Moodle classroom, Mahara group) and connect a pair or a group of students to carry out a language learning task. It will assign each student a role (i.e. student A, student B) and hand out to each student different contents belonging to same task in order to prompt authentic goal-oriented communication characteristic of fill-in-the-gap tasks.

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


Tandem is a content management system for synchronous oral tasks for language learners.This tool will administer complementary contents to students working on a task together in a synchronous medium. The tool will retrieve the user information from the environment (e.g. Moodle classroom, Mahara group) and connect a pair or a group of students to carry out a language learning task. It will assign each student a role (i.e. student A, student B) and hand out to each student different contents belonging to same task in order to prompt authentic goal-oriented communication characteristic of fill-in-the-gap tasks.

Tandem Installation Steps

Install Apache

Install MySQL

Import attached data base structure file (tandem_2.sql)

Modify config.inc.php file:

define('BD_HOST', 'localhost'); 
define('BD_NAME', 'tandem_2'); 
define('BD_USERNAME', 'XXX'); 
define('BD_PASSWORD', 'XXX'); 
define('PROTECTED_FOLDER', dirname(__FILE__).'/xml');
  • Debugging params
// Multilanguage
define('DEBUG_MULTILANGUAGE_ENABLED', true); // DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION, it creates additional .mo files!
define('DEBUG_FORCED_LOCALE', 'en_US'); // en_US, es_ES, ca_ES...
// Tandem audio-video testing
define('DEBUG_DISABLE_AUDIO_VIDEO_TEST', true); // Disables audo and webcam testing before joining the waiting room
  • Define the minimum conditions to obtain a certificate
  • Define the Tandem activity points scheme
define('POINTS_PER_TANDEM_DONE', 10); // Currently not used
  • Define feedback form validation
// Minimum possitive feedback items that user must add
// Minimum negative feedback items that user must add
// Minimum characters amount that user must write in each item
// Comments field required?
  • Modify configuration_oki.cfg if you have enable OKI OSIDS:
Indicate the location for each configuration OkiBusWebAppClient...

Copy files from deliverable to web server's root folder.

Configure Interoperability model

LTI Configuration:

  • Consumer's enabled are located at: IMSBasicLTI/configuration/authorizedConsumersKey.cfg
  • Parameters:

For example to add new with resource key “test” and password “testpasswd”

  • LTI provider's URL is as shown: http://YOUR_DOMAIN/tandem/integration_tool.php

LTI consumer: you can configure the LTI providers in the lti_application indicanting the following parameters:

  • toolurl: the url to launch
  • name: the name of the tool
  • resourcekey: the consumer key
  • password: the secret
  • sendname: set preference to send name or not
  • sendemail: set preference to send email or not
  • acceptgrades: set preference to accept grades or not
  • acceptroster: set preference to accept roster or not
  • acceptsetting: set preference to accept setting service or not
  • customparameters: separated by new line you can specify each custom parameter. You can set some variables like:

To launch an lti you have to go: http://yourlocaltandem/ltiConsumer.php?id=%ID_TANDEM% url_notify_started_recording=%URL_TANDEM%/api.php?id=%ID_TANDEM%&started=1 url_notify_ended_recording=%URL_TANDEM%/api.php?id=%ID_TANDEM%&ended=1
** %ID_TANDEM% that represents the current id.
** %URL_TANDEM% that represents the url of.

Custom parameters

Name Description
certificate redirect user to certificate view on login
disable_profile_form set to 1 to disable user-profile edit form in profile view, it also enables new feedback info well in the same view
enable_task_evaluation if set to 1 enables the evaluation form after each tandem task
exercise_number_forced forces the use of this exercise id (id from the table exercise). see also force_exercise
feedback_selfreflection_form set 1 to enable the new feedback form with self-assessment feedbacks and feedback input as items list
force_exercise enables forced exercise mode. see also exercise_number_forced
icq set user icq account
is_multiple if set to 1 information about the lti resource is added to the course name and key
open_tool_id id (from the table lti_application) of the lti to be used
portfolio redirect user to portfolio view on login
msn set user msn account
previous_week use the previous week instead of the current one. see also week
ranking redirect user to ranking view on login
select_room set to 1 allow to select the exercise
show_user_status set to 1 to enable a mood form that will be shown within a modal before starting the tandem exercises.
skype set user skype account
waiting_room set to 1 allow to use a waiting room. By default the users are splitted in teams by language
fallback_waiting_room_avoid_language if set to 1 students try to get pair from other languager and if there are not user pair with same language
waiting_room_no_teams if set to 1 students go to same team and can do tandem with everything
week force the week number. see also previous_week
yahoo set user yahoo account

Cron jobs

There are 2 cronjobs

Update ranking

You have to define the constant with the course id to update

// Should we allow to use this script from the browser? If no config in config.inc.php defaults to false.
// Should we allow the script to output messages? If no config in config.inc.php defaults to false.

The cronjob should be something like this:

*/15 * * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/tandem/cli/update-user-ranking.php >/dev/null

Mailer options

It is possible to define this 3 settings, but it is optional (they default to other values if not defined). See cli/mailing-worker.php.

define('MAILING_WORKER_MAILS_PER_EXECUTION', 0); // Number of mails to be sent per execution. If 0 it will try to send ALL mails queued for sending.
define('MAILING_WORKER_ALLOW_BROWSER', true); // Allow execution from browser (for debugging purposes)
define('MAILING_WORKER_ALLOW_OUTPUT', true); // Allow running status output (for debugging purposes)

The cronjob should be something like this:

*/10 * * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/tandem/cli/mailing-worker.php >/dev/null

Managing and Upload Exercises to Tandem

To download exercises you can get from http://oer.speakapps.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/ Follow the instructions from:





Upload Tandem Activities


More Information

Speak Apps Project has been funded with support from the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Commission. This document reflects only the views of the authors, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. EU Logo