
This Personal blog web application is developed using flask framework and python , Its a platform where a user can post anything, The topics are saved on a Database where any user who accesses the application can read the blogs and comment on them or make an email subscription to get a notification every time a blog is posted.

Primary LanguagePython

LeRustique-Blog is a flask App

This is a Python web application using Flask framework and Postgresql.


This Personal blog web application is developed using flask framework and python , Its a platform where a user can post anything or any topic, The topic are saved on a Database where any user who accesses the application can read the blogs and comment on them or make an email subscription to get a notification every time a blog is posted.

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • Python3.8
  • Postgresql installed
  • clone the directory into your local machine
  • navigate to the cloned folder by cd LeRustique-Blog
  • run source virtual/bin/activate
  • pip install requirements.txt
  • run python3.8 manage.py server
  • The application should work

Known Bugs

NO known bugs as at the moment.

Technologies Used

  • Python
  • Material design
  • Flask
  • JavaScript
  • Jquery
  • CSS
  • PostgreSQL Database

Contact details

get me at rustique644@gmail.com


MIT License
Copyright (c) 2020 | Rustique Uwimpaye