Budget tables for the visually inclined inspired by the works of Maddie Medina and Tim Essam on the MD tables. For questions about these tables please reach out to your EA backstop
The EA Branch currently uses the following functions to produce budget tables for presentations and written reports
get_global_be: this can be used to get agency level budget execution at the global level
get_global_usaid_ou: this can be used to get usaid budget execution while displaying all ous
get_ou_agency_be: this can be used to get agency level budget execution at a specific ou level
get_ue: this can be used to generate a unit expenditure table across the treatment continuum
get_global_usaid_lp_be: this can be used to generate a global table of budget execution by partner type
get_ou_usaid_lp_be: this can be used to generate an ou-specific table of budget execution by partner type
ou_partner_mechanism: this can be used to generate an ou-specific table of budget execution by prime partner or mechanism
ou_partner_mechanism_pa: this can be used to generate an ou-specific table of budget execution by prime partner/mechanism and program area
Disclaimer: The findings, interpretation, and conclusions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of United States Agency for International Development. All errors remain our own.