
The U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL) Software Release Process for Unrestricted Public Release

Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0

The U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL) Software Release Process for Unrestricted Public Release

Version 1.0.4

28 July 2017


This document provides procedures that ARL Government personnel MUST follow when releasing software source code and software-related material to the public, and for accepting software-related contributions from the general public. The master branch of this repository is the only official document; all other branches are for discussion and development only, and may or may not become part of a future official policy.

Table of Contents


The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119. See RFC 2119 "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", Request for Comments: 2119; Internet Engineering Task Force, March 1997 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2119) for the complete definitions.

Goals and Rationale

The goal of this memorandum is to both clarify how software developed by ARL personnel may be released to the public and encourage ARL personnel to do so, while remaining firmly within the legal and regulatory requirements of the United States and the Army. These goals are in some ways conflicting, which is why the process described in this document may seem bureaucratic and onerous. This chapter explains why publishing software is important and some of the legal and regulatory constraints on doing so. Reading it is OPTIONAL, but doing so may give the reader some insight into the reasons for the process.

Why Releasing Software is Important

Software has become an integral part of modern research. It is used in everything from simulation and modeling, to data gathering and analysis. In many cases, the only way to assimilate the details of research published in various technical papers is by analyzing the software used in the research. As a result, research that has its source code published has a significantly greater impact on the public than research that does not. Published source code accomplishes the following:

  • Allows external researchers to analyze and verify that the software is correct, which helps prove the claims in any accompanying papers are valid.
  • Attracts public attention.
  • Reduces the barrier to entry for others to join in on the research. As a result, collaborations are formed as others want to learn more and build on an organization's work.
  • If the software becomes dominant, then the organization that owns it becomes the de-facto leader in the field, and all others follow their lead.

Conversely, when software is not published, the following are true:

  • Claims in papers based on the software cannot be verified, potentially leading to doubts in the claims.
  • Barriers to collaboration are raised significantly:
    • Published research may be ignored, because external researchers do not fully understand it.
    • New researchers must "reinvent the wheel" by writing their own software.
  • The ARL may lose its leadership position to others solely due to others having published their code first.

The ARL leadership has recognized these facts and, to ensure that ARL remains a leader rather than a follower, has created an organizational site on GitHub, a social networking website focused on sharing code, to publish ARL software to the world as a part of Open Campus. However, ARL is not a private entity and MUST obey numerous laws and regulations when releasing any material to the public. These protocols are intended to protect sensitive material from inadvertent release, protect the Intellectual Property (IP) rights of ARL, and prevent ARL from accidentally trespassing on the rights of others.

Issues Related to Releasing Source Code

The ARL faces a number of issues when defining a software release process. Legal and regulatory issues are fully outlined in Legal Analysis - Software Protection & Release Mechanisms, while other issues are summarized here.

OPSEC and Security

As an organization within the Department of Defense (DOD), ARL MUST be able to properly evaluate information that is proposed for publication to ensure no sensitive information is accidentally released. This includes software. Since it is possible to accidentally violate various laws with even a seemingly trivial change1, it is critical that all changes be reviewed by a competent Operational Security (OPSEC) officer before release. This step is intended to protect ARL personnel from the repercussions of such a release by reducing the chances of it occurring in the first place.

Moreover, just as aggregating unclassified information may raise its classification level, combining a set of changes into a whole may also raise its classification level. This is why any review MUST consider the software as a whole, not just the portion that changed.

Intellectual Property Issues

For most publications, once an ARL Form 1 is completed, the publication is approved for public release. However, the ARL Form 1 process was designed primarily for OPSEC and quality control purposes, and does not address IP concerns. This can cause significant legal challenges if not correctly addressed, both when ARL accidentally releases valuable IP without protecting it and when ARL accidentally trespasses on the rights of others. There are three main types of IP rights that ARL MUST be considered for software release: trademark, copyright, and patent rights.

Trademarks are intended to prevent consumer confusion over who is the source of goods and services. Thus, the name given to software can become a valuable piece of IP, particularly as the user community starts to associate the software with ARL. Trademark misuse can take a number of forms. Improper or unauthorized use can imply to a consumer that a trademark owner is providing or endorsing a product when they are not. Provided no such implication is made when using trademarks owned by others, ARL should be relatively safe. More on this can be found in Legal Analysis - Software Protection & Release Mechanisms. To help protect ARL IP, all ARL-developed software SHOULD use "ARL" in its name.

Copyright is another form of IP that can give owners a method of control over their works. Works generated by non-Governmental persons or Government employees acting outside of their official duties automatically have copyright attached to them. This means that any outside contribution to a Government software project will not be owned by the Government unless the copyright is assigned to the Government. Because of this, unless a contract exists between the Government and the outside entity, the outside entity can claim at least part ownership of the project and make additional demands of the Government, which may lead to a project being shut down.

Thus far, the Government has had the following options to protect itself against these problems:

  • Refuse to share software with entities not covered by a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA), Cooperative Agreement (CA), or another similar vehicle.
  • Refuse all outside contributions.
  • Arrange for a contractor to author and own the work, and then assign copyright to the Government.

The process in this document outlines a new option, and as such, requires careful consideration of copyright implications.

Patents are another method of protecting IP rights. If software is released by ARL without adequate review, ARL's patent rights may be impacted. For instance, if contractors or other collaborators have co-invented a "software-related invention"2, they have the right to pursue a patent first. Contractors may be legally permitted to patent the software, preventing others from using it. In this case, ARL SHOULD NOT release the software to the public under this process. If a project will eventually be released under this process, developers SHOULD consult with ARL Legal to determine the best course of action to take with regard to any contractors or outside contributors. If this is not done, then at some later date, developers may find that there are patents that effectively prevent ARL from releasing the software to the public3.

In addition, unless this process is followed, ARL will not be waiving its patent rights; instead, the right to pursue patent protection falls back to the inventors (i.e., ARL employees who have created a "software-related invention"). This can lead to legal complications that ARL would rather avoid.

Liability and Fitness for Purpose

A major difference between software and a journal paper or other presentation is that software is effectively a machine. As such, there are concerns about fitness for purpose, as well as the liability incurred, should the software not meet its stated capabilities. Releasing software without an adequate license or contract may leave both the authors of the software and ARL open to liability issues that could be avoided.

The CC0 License and the ARL Contributor License Agreement (ARL CLA)

With few exceptions, U.S. Government works do not enjoy copyright protection. Because of this, licenses that rely on copyright for their protection mechanism may be declared invalid under U.S. Law4. For this reason, for works that do not have copyright attached, ARL relies on a combination of the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license (https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode and reproduced at CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication) and the contributor license agreement shown in Contributor License Agreement (CLA). All external contributors MUST execute and return a CLA to the project owners before their contributions can be accepted to ensure that all IP issues are settled.

Release Rights

The most complicated aspect of a software release is usually determining if there are adequate rights held by the Government to perform a release to the public. If the software does not yet exist but there is public release intention, it is advantageous to establish adequate rights in advance, particularly for works developed with contractor involvement.

The first question to consider is whether the software or related material should be released to the public. While there are considerable collaborative benefits that have the potential to reduce acquisition costs for the Government, there are also potential new costs to consider and risks to mitigate. For example, ARL software in active use that is converted into an open-source project can reasonably expect to receive externally developed software improvements, but there will be additional information assurance (IA) requirements to review before integrating those contributions. To release software, a supervisor MUST decide that there is an overall expected benefit to the Government to perform the release.

The second question to consider is whether or not the software can be released under the ARL Form 1 process with a distribution statement of Distribution A, "Approved for public release; distribution unlimited." If this is not possible, then the software cannot be released under the process in this document. Contact ARL Legal and ARL Security with the specifics of the project to see if there are changes that can be made that will allow it to have a Distribution A, "Approved for public release; distribution unlimited" statement. The following is a non-exhaustive list illustrating why some software and related material face complications in releasing it to the public due to law, regulation, or policy. Software that falls into these categories will require further scrutiny. Consult with ARL Legal to determine if it is possible to release the software.

The third question involves the rights of others. Copyright attaches to works when they are created5; if ARL does not own the copyright to a work, it MUST obtain the rights to release the material before it may do so. If a software project does not yet exist, then there are no copyright, authorship or licensing issues preventing release. However, if what is being prepared for release already exists, a thorough review to ascertain origination, provenance, and licensing MUST be conducted to ensure that the rights of others are not trespassed.

If the work was developed solely by Government employees as part of their official duties, then there are no copyright concerns and the Government has the right to release the work. If there are any contractors or other external parties involved, they may have rights that prevent the Government from releasing and/or redistributing their contributions without their permission. If there are any third-party libraries, applications, or data that are incorporated into the work, there MUST be appropriate license and/or rights to distribute them.

When works are developed by a mixture of Government employees and Government contractors, determining who has the right to release the software to the public as open source depends on what contract clauses are in effect. Consult with ARL Legal to determine what clauses are in effect and what options there are to release the software.

Release Instructions

These instructions MUST be followed when ARL personnel release software to, or accept contributions from, the general public. If a project does not yet have any software associated with it (such as when a project is being initially formulated) and the project is intended to be released to the general public, then this process MUST still be followed.

Major Reviews

The major review process MUST be followed if any of the following are true:

  • This is the first release of the project.
  • The project's scope has changed sufficiently that any of the principal developers (PDs), their OPSEC officers, or anyone in their chains of command believe a new one ought to be filed.
  • It has been more than 1 year since the last time a major review has been done and the project is still active (material is being published to the public).
  • The PDs feel they have accomplished something of note and wish to get credit for it in their performance metrics.

Informal Approval

Before developer(s) release software, they MUST obtain informal approval from their supervisor(s). If their supervisors do not approve release of the software, then the software MUST NOT be released. Do not continue with this process. When deciding if a project can be released, review the requirements of RELEASE RIGHTS. The requirements in that chapter MUST be met before any software or related materials are released.

Code Cleanup and Release Preparation

Fast-moving projects often accumulate useless, nonfunctional, or otherwise undesirable code and other material that needs to be cleaned up. Before moving forward with the formal portions of the process, the project MUST be cleaned up to ensure it meets certain minimum standards. Remember that a formal review can only be done on what is actually being released, so cleaning up the code after the formal review is not an option. If a project is being formulated, but does not yet have any code associated with it, this section SHOULD be used as a guide for how to write the software.

This section applies to everything that is being released, including any older commits in any repositories. By design, repositories preserve history, which can include material that should not be published. It is the responsibility of the project's developers to ensure that both the current code and any history in any repositories that are proposed for release have been properly scrubbed before the material is reviewed for release.

Software that is released to the public is similar to a publication and SHOULD be treated like one. The author(s) MUST ensure that there is no embarrassing, disparaging, or otherwise unprofessional language in what is released. Language that would not be used in a professional journal MUST not be used in software. Direct any questions about this to the ARL Public Affairs Office (PAO).

Where possible, it is wise to follow best practices in software engineering. Because of the wide variety of programming languages in use, project goals, etc., ARL wants to avoid forcing a single process on any developers or group. For this reason, ARL has chosen a minimal set of requirements and provides some best practice suggestions. Individual implementation of the voluntary portions is recommended as they may have an effect on impact and metrics. See A Note on Impact and Metrics for details on metrics.

Unless a project is required to follow other guidelines, the guidelines described in the latest Semantic Versioning guidelines (http://semver.org/) SHOULD be followed when setting the version number for any release. A file MAY be created in the top-level directory called "VERSION." If the "VERSION" file is created, then it MUST be a plain-text file in either ASCII or UTF-8 encodings. The file MUST contain the version number of the release and MUST NOT contain anything else. By following this guideline, automated systems are more likely to be able to determine if the project has been updated and how significant those updates are simply by parsing the "VERSION" file.

The license to be used depends on whether or not the project has copyright attached to it. Works generated solely by Government employees in the course of their duties do not have any copyright attached to them. Works produced with non-Government persons or organizations may have copyright attached. If there is uncertainty about the copyright status of a project, ARL Legal SHOULD be consulted to determine the legal state of the project and determine which license to use.

If the project does not have copyright, the Creative Commons Zero 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication MUST be used. Follow the instructions in that section for how to use it.

If the project has copyright, any license that ARL Legal approves of MAY be used. It is RECOMMENDED that the Apache 2.0 license (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) be used.

Unless the guidelines the project is following require otherwise, the long form of any license used SHOULD be in a file called LICENSE in the top-level of the project directory. For any LICENSE file, the file MUST be a plain-text file in either ASCII or UTF-8 encoding. The README file (described below) MUST state the name of the file that contains the complete license6. If the project has a webpage, the license being used MUST be stated somewhere on the webpage, with a link pointing to where the file containing the license can be found.

All contributions to the project MUST be done under the license and the contributions MUST be irrevocable. Questions about this can be directed to ARL Legal for clarification.

A "README" file MUST be created at the top level of the directory with at least the following in it:

  • The intended purpose of the software.
  • A note pointing to the license or contract covering the software.
  • If there is no "VERSION" file, the version number of the release SHOULD be included.
  • At least some basic documentation on how to build and use the software.

The "README" file MUST be a plain-text file in either ASCII or UTF-8 encoding.

While only the "README" file is mandatory, other documentation is highly desirable. This can include comments in the source code, high-level design documentation, etc. There are many methods and tools to support this type of documentation. Where reasonable, please document both high- and low-level design details, as well as how the software should be used.

Example code is also a form of documentation. If the project is a library, it can be useful to provide small, complete, and well-documented programs that illustrate how to use the software. If possible, refer to publications and projects that used or referred to this code; they can become additional examples of how to use the code, as well as testimonials for why the code should be used.

Unit tests are strongly RECOMMENDED. They can not only increase confidence that the code was written correctly, but they can also convince a user that the code is behaving as expected on the system on which it is installed. This will increase the likelihood that others will be willing to use the code, making it wise to include unit tests in the project. In addition, unit tests can serve as examples of how to use the code; this can be invaluable when a user is trying to understand the documentation.

For legal reasons, all language talking about the project MUST be prefixed with "ARL". For example, if a project is named WhizBang, then all literature in the package SHOULD refer to it as "ARL WhizBang" or the "ARL WhizBang project." "ARL" is a federally registered trademark and using it in this manner adds some degree of trademark protection to a project.

File an ARL Form 1

An ARL Form 1 MUST be filed. In the process described in this document, the primary purpose of the ARL Form 1 is for OPSEC review, but it also serves the secondary purposes of describing releases for publicity and metrics. To support this, a short abstract describing the software MUST be written. The abstract SHOULD be at most one page in length and provide the following information:

  • The name of the project.
  • A description of the project. This includes what it does and what its intended purpose is. This SHOULD be as complete as is reasonably possible. Portions of the "README" file MAY be copied here.

This information will be used both for publicity purposes, and by a supervisor and others to decide if it is time for a project to be subjected to another major review.

If this is not the first major review of the software, then the abstract MUST also include the following information:

  • The change or changes that caused this review to become necessary.
  • What the impact of the software has been since the last major review for this project. See A Note on Impact and Metrics for examples of how impact is measured and for what to include.

Note that while ARL wants to credit an author for the impact the software has made, it will not "double count" what authors have done by including the impact from earlier major reviews. Only the impact made since the last time the major review process was completed SHOULD be included.

This abstract, along with everything planned on being released (software, source code, documentation, etc.), MUST be fully reviewed by a level 1 OPSEC officer. If this is not an initial review, the OPSEC officer MAY choose to only review what has changed since the last review, but both the author and the OPSEC officer are responsible for the release as a whole. Thus, even if the changes are cleared for public release, if the release as a whole cannot be cleared for release, then the changes are not cleared for release either. To be cleared for release, the project as a whole MUST receive an "Approved for public release; distribution unlimited" statement. Finally, no one is permitted to OPSEC-approve material that he or she created. Review RELEASE RIGHTS for what needs to be considered.

Obtain Invention Evaluation Committee (IEC) Approval

The ARL may have IP interests in the software. Before it can be released, the IEC MUST determine that it is in the best interest of the Government and ARL to waive any IP rights that ARL might have and release it to the public. To do so, the PD MUST inform the current chair of the IEC (or the chair's delegate) of the intention to release the software by sending the chair a digitally signed email that contains the following:

  • The abstract that was submitted as a part of the ARL Form 1 process above. The related software is not sent to the IEC chair (or the chair's delegate) unless he or she requests it.
  • A list of all software-related inventions that the PD and his or her supervisor believe are contained in the work7.
  • A statement that, in the opinion of the PD and his or her supervisor, all IP, including the listed inventions, should be irrevocably placed in the public domain.

If the chair (or the chair's delegate) agrees that ARL should waive any patent or other IP interests ARL may have and that the software should be put into the public domain, then the chair (or the chair's delegate) will reply back with a digitally signed email with a statement similar to the following:

<<Software name>> is to be dedicated to the public domain for promoting its commercial and non-commercial use. It is not intended to become the subject of any patent application or license. All intellectual property rights ARL may be able to assert or establish are hereby waived.

If the PD has received approval from IEC chair (or the chair's delegate), then the PD MAY continue with the rest of this process.

If the IEC chair (or the chair's delegate) believes that ARL has IP interests that ARL wants protected, then the PD and the chair (or the chair's delegate) MUST discuss the issues to determine how to move forward. This discussion MAY be performed by email, telephone, or any other convenient and legal means. Records of the final determination MUST be kept by the PD. If it is determined to be in the best interests of ARL and the Government to seek patent protection, then the rest of this process does not apply. Do not continue with the rest of this process.

To determine the appropriate person to contact within the IEC, consult ARL Legal.

This step MAY be done in parallel with the steps described below.

Intellectual Property Review

Although ARL MAY choose to waive ARL's rights to any IP established in software, if an author has incorporated contributions from others, those contributors may have rights to those contributions that restrict ARL's ability to release the software. Thus, before the software can be released, the following questions MUST be addressed:

  • Has every part of the proposed release been generated by Government employees in the course of their duties?
  • If not, is there permission from every other rights holder to release all of the other parts under the project's license?

The PD MUST consult with ARL Legal to perform an IP review (this review MAY be done by email or any other convenient and legal means). If there are external contributions that were not contributed under the project's license, then the PD MUST determine the license and copyright information for each contribution. Provide these to ARL Legal for review and final determination if the licenses are compatible with the license or contract under which the software is being released. If ARL Legal determines that there are impediments to releasing the software, whatever permissions are necessary MUST be obtained before the software is released. If it is not possible to obtain the necessary permissions, then the software MUST NOT be released. Do not continue with the rest of this process. If ARL Legal agrees that there are no IP impediments to releasing the software, then ARL Legal MUST send a digitally signed email to the PD stating so.

Note that copyright protection attaches to all literary works, including software, when they are created8. This includes software copied off of blogs, sites like http://stackoverflow.com/, and any other sources. If such code or documentation has been copied into a project without permission and permission from the rights holder cannot be obtained, it may not be possible to release the software.

Distribution Methods

There are many different ways of distributing software. The ARL GitHub site is the RECOMMENDED method, but is not the only method. The PDs MAY choose to distribute by FTP, email, another website, or other means, in addition to or in place of GitHub. For any and all distribution methods chosen, the PDs are responsible for creating their own accounts. If the distribution method uses email addresses as part of the sign up process, then the PDs MUST use their Government email addresses. All login accounts MUST be reported to the PDs' supervisors. Passwords MUST be kept secret. If a site uses cryptographic authentication such as public/private key pairs, PDs MAY choose to use this facility in addition to, or instead of, passwords. Private keys MUST be treated like passwords and kept secret.

Where possible, it is strongly RECOMMENDED that projects be distributed via the ARL GitHub site. This will make it significantly easier to gauge the impact of the project by the Technology Transfer and Outreach Office (T2O2) and by a supervisor, which will impact performance metrics.

Final Release and Principal Developer Responsibilities

If the software is approved for final release and there is not yet a project for it on GitHub, then the T2O2 will generate a project on the ARL GitHub site. If there is already a project on the ARL GitHub site for the software, then the T2O2 will note the release for metrics purposes, but will take no other action. If an author chooses not to use the ARL GitHub site, he or she MAY request that the T2O2 not create a project. However, as mentioned in Distribution Methods, it is strongly RECOMMENDED that GitHub be used to distribute software.

The PDs SHOULD put their software on their project's site. The T2O2 will publicize this site on behalf of the PDs. The software MAY also be distributed by any and all other methods the PDs see fit. The PD (or PDs) MAY promote their projects on their own, but SHOULD do so in consultation with the T2O2, to both ensure that all promotions are professional in nature and minimize any duplication of effort.

If the PDs choose to use GitHub as a distribution method for their software, then the PDs are responsible for generating a digital object identifier (DOI) for the release. The instructions to do so are at https://guides.github.com/activities/citable-code/.

Minor Reviews

Minor releases include all releases that the PD, the PD's OPSEC officer, and the PD's supervisor do not believe require a major review. These include bug fixes and minor updates. A minor release only requires review by a level-1 OPSEC officer before being published. These reviews are called "minor reviews" and are subject to the following:

  • The OPSEC officer MAY also be the technical reviewer for the release.
  • Only if the project as a whole, including the minor changes being proposed for release, receives an "Approved for public release; distribution unlimited" statement can the changes be released.

The process for a minor release is as follows:

  • The person who created the material sends it to the OPSEC reviewer.
  • The OPSEC reviewer reviews the material and sends a digitally signed email back to the creator either stating that it may not be released or that it may be released.
  • If the material may be released, then the creator pushes the material out to the public.

Note that there are numerous methods of sending the material. If the material is stored under git, and both the creator and the OPSEC officer have access to the same private repository9, then the creator MAY choose to push to the private repository and ask the OPSEC officer to pull it and review the changes. Alternatively, git bundles MAY be used, or one could even email text files. Regardless of the method chosen, there are two requirements that MUST be met:

  • The chosen method MUST uniquely identify the set of changes under discussion. Examples include the complete git commit hash under discussion, emails with the complete change set, or any cryptographically signed method. This ensures non-repudiation or confusion.
  • The OPSEC reviewer MUST track what he or she has approved. This MAY be done by saving the digitally signed emails that were sent.

These steps are REQUIRED for audit purposes. Without them, ARL cannot prove to the Department of the Army that it is properly reviewing material before it is released.

If a release appears to be a major release in the opinions of any of the PDs, the OPSEC officer, or any of their superiors, then a new ARL Form 1 MUST be filed and the full release process described above re-executed. A major release is any release that significantly changes the scope of the project or may violate any of the checks described in this document.

Incorporating External Contributions

Once the software has passed the process outlined above and has been publicly distributed, any contributions to the project MUST be subject to its license.

External contributions do not need to undergo OPSEC review as they are assumed to be public at the time of contribution. They SHOULD be reviewed for quality purposes before being accepted into a project to ensure that they are professional in nature and perform as expected. All external contributors MUST have a CLA on file before their contributions are accepted into the project. A CLA only needs to be executed once by each legal entity. Project owners MUST turn over executed CLAs to the T2O2 for record keeping. Project owners MUST explain in the README file that external contributors MUST execute a CLA before their contributions will be accepted.

A Note on Impact and Metrics

Publishing software as a regular business practice is new territory for ARL, and how to measure a project's impact on the general public is still a matter for debate. While GitHub gathers numerous statistics on projects, from the number of downloads, to the number of followers, etc., these are, at best, suggestions of what a project's true impact is. For the sake of metrics, a project's PDs MUST create a short report (at most one page) describing what they think the impact is and providing evidence to back up this claim. The greater impact a project has had, the better it is for metrics and performance evaluation.

To be absolutely clear, impact is based on major reviews (releases that follow the procedure outlined in Major Reviews). Minor reviews, as described in Minor Reviews, might lead toward a major review, but will not count toward metrics. If an author wants releases to count toward metrics, the procedures outlined in Major Reviews MUST be followed.

Evidence of Impact

It is up to the PD to decide what types of evidence to use when describing the impact of a project. As noted in File an ARL Form 1, ARL will not "double count" the impact; ARL is primarily interested in the impact since the last major review. That said, some forms of evidence are difficult to express as a difference from a prior major review. In that case, a PD MAY wish to express both the current absolute numbers and the changes since the project was last filed.

Below are some examples of evidence PDs MAY wish to consider giving:

  • The number of citations of different releases. It is possible to cite releases on GitHub just as papers might be cited. See https://guides.github.com/activities/citable-code/ for more information on how to do this.
  • If a project is a library or something else that is intended to be incorporated into other projects, list those projects and describe their importance.
  • The number of followers, including the level of interest as measured by issues opened and persons contacting the PDs
  • The number of forks
  • The number of contributions from outside (non-ARL) sources
  • Letters of acknowledgment, thanks, or other forms of recognition
  • Software maturity

The PDs should not feel that they are limited to these pieces of evidence, nor should they feel the need to include all of these examples. As stated earlier, ARL is still learning which metrics to use when determining the impact of a project. The PDs should feel free to use any metric they wish, but should note that supervisors and others will make the final decision on how heavily to weight the chosen metrics. For example, the number of citations for a software project is more important than the number of downloads it has. If a project is a library, then the number and importance of projects using the library will have greater weight than the number of people that have forked the project10.

In general, supervisors will want to know how a project has made a difference in the world and how important that difference has been since its last major review. The better evidence provided, the easier this becomes.

Software Maturity and Software Engineering

The ARL would like to be a world leader in computer science research. To be a world leader means that ARL must have an impact and to have an impact means that ARL's software must be used. Poorly written software that is incomprehensible or difficult to compile or use will not be used, and will have little, if any, impact. Thus, if the primary improvement to a project involves bringing it in line with generally accepted best practices in software engineering to facilitate its transition to others, then this is also of value and SHOULD be credited. Examples of this include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Providing a well-designed, thoroughly documented application programming interface (API) or other interface.
  • Adding tests (unit tests, regression tests, integration tests, etc.) that increase confidence that your software is performing correctly.
  • Increasing code coverage of tests.
  • Adding examples and high-level documentation. This includes ensuring that all examples and documentation are up to date with the current software.
  • Simplifying building and installation of software.

These are just some examples of mature software. If there is other evidence of the maturity or quality of software, a PD should feel free to use it when describing the impact of the software. Supervisors MUST consider improvements in software engineering when considering the impact of software.

CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication

The text of the CC0 license can be found here. A local copy of the license is in the file LICENSE.txt.

Contributor License Agreement (CLA)

The ARL Contributor License Agreement (ARL Form 266) can be found here11. Each external contributor must execute and return a copy for each project that he or she intends to contribute to. Once ARL receives the executed form, it will remain in force permanently. Thus, external contributors need only execute the form once for each project that they plan on contributing to.

Legal Analysis - Software Protection & Release Mechanisms

An in-depth analysis of the issues surrounding the release of software can be found here.


A glossary of terms can be found here.


1 As an example, U.S. law restricts the strength of any encryption software that is being released to the world in general by restricting the length of the keys being used. Since this could be a hard-coded number in a piece of source code, a change in a single line may convert it from legal to illegal.

2 Software may be copyrighted but not patented. "Software-related inventions" may be patented. At the time of this writing, there was no clear definition of the difference between "software" and "software-related invention". Consult ARL Legal for a more complete explanation.

3 Contracts usually protect the Federal Government from the related patent issues. That said, if you have concerns, consult ARL Legal and your contracting officer to determine what rights there are.

4 At the time of this writing, this has not been litigated in Federal Court. Consult the ARL Chief Counsel's Office to determine what the current laws are.

5 Except for works created by U.S. Federal Government employees in the course of their duties. These are automatically in the public domain.

6 Some licenses have guidelines that differ from the ones described here. For example, the GPL states that the filename must be COPYING. This is why your README MUST specify which file contains the license.

7 If you have questions about what are "software-related inventions", consult with ARL Legal.

8 Excluding works generated by Government employees in the course of their duties.

9 A private repository is only accessible from within ARL; it MUST NOT be publically accessible!

10 As an example, if a library is only used within the Linux kernel, it will have been used by very few projects, but will have an extraordinary impact.

11 This form may not preview correctly in your browser. If you have trouble opening the file, or if the file has a phrase similar to "Please wait... If this message is not eventually replaced by...", then try downloading the form and opening it in the latest version of AdobeĀ® Acrobat Reader. ARL is aware of the issue, and is working to correct the problem.