
How to get IMU data from crazyflie-firmware?

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I want to get real time IMU data from the crazflie-firmware. Is there any method to expose the sensor data from the firmware to the crazyswarm interface?

You can use the generic logging block functionality.

Just fill in these lines with the log variables that you want:

genericLogTopics: ["log1"]
genericLogTopicFrequencies: [10]
genericLogTopic_log1_Variables: ["stateEstimate.x", "ctrltarget.x"]

(probably stateEstimate.roll/pitch/yaw. )

And enable logging with True

Mind that the roll pitch yaw might already be accessible with the pose logging too.

Just a note, if you don't have to use ROS1 I would recomment you to go to the ROS2 port of crazyswarm2 as that will be more actively maintained: