As an FS Admin I would like an easy way to make content updates so that updates can be made efficiently.
Opened this issue · 4 comments
- What are things we should consider when making this story *
As a result of the program increment retrospective, an area for improvement is to make the content update process more efficient.
The tasks associated with this story may also be determined from the results of the #887 SPIKE and #1103 SPIKE
need understanding of security protocol, roles, authentication privileges.
Acceptance Criteria
- An FS administrator can make updates directly to the platform where their forest or program interest is involved.
- The system that allows these updates is automated, and does not require code adjustments or follow up from the team.
Stories within this Epic
- Research to inform what parts of the xmas tree platform admins can update #1282
- Design and test a low-fi wireframe #1283
- Design Hi fi as a result of testing & dev reviews #1284
- Build in staging #1285
- Test with FS Admins on the Staging Site #1286
Epic Tasks
- Validation of acceptance criteria completed
- PO approved
Definition of Done
- Pull requests meet technical definition of done
- Compare finished design with mockup
- Usability tested
Upon further refinement, this story could potentially be an epic with 3 types of stories nested within it: 1)Research (identifying fields), 2)Design (building admin interface experiences) resulting in wireframe, testing wireframe with users, finalize wireframe, 3)Build
@ASprinkle FYI, here's the card around content management you created
@ASprinkle work on Identify what fields the forest would prefer to maintain themselves and determine whether or not new roles might be required. This story could be an epic - with several small stories within it.