
As an xmas admin want the Development team to build admin content update portal from a high-fidelity wire frame so that I'll be able to easily update my forest's Christmas tree content.

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This story is within Epic #1027

This story is specific to building a high-fidelity wireframe based off of what we learned from the low-fidelity wireframe tests. This story builds the high-fidelity wireframe, and hands it off to the development team for build to staging.

Acceptance Criteria

  • A high fidelity wireframe is designed
  • The development team understands it, and is ready to build it in staging.


  • Develop high-fidelity mock design based on the low-fidelity wireframe from story #1283
  • Meet with the development and security team for design handoff
  • Validation of acceptance criteria completed
  • PO approved

Definition of Done

  • Tasks are completed
  • A/C is met
  • The development team has access to the high fidelity wire frame