Direct Participant Monitoring System Prototype (DOL-ILAB)


The text of presentation layer in this project follows i18n as much as possible. Locale files can be found under /config/locales

Development Environment Setup

Note these instructions assume you have an account on gitdev with a SSH key uploaded. Notice: running application from shared folder (folder shared between Windows OS and Virtual OS) can be very slow! The best solution is: setup and run rails in Windows (troublesome), or do the coding directly inside of Virtual Linux OS (inconvenient), or buy a Mac :)

  1. Download and Install VirtualBox
  2. Download and Install Vagrant
  3. Start your console, and go to source code folder.
  4. For the first time before running vagrant, install vagrant NSF support for Windows: vagrant plugin install vagrant-winnfsd
  5. Start rails development environment in a virtual machine: vagrant up (might take some take for the first time)
  6. To enter into the VM, use vagrant ssh
  7. To stop the VM, use: vagrant halt

Getting Started

  1. Start VM: vagrant up
  2. Enter into VM: vagrant ssh. If you can not ssh into VM, then you will want to get an SSH client, and use it to connect to your Vagrant VM instead. We recommend PuTTY.
  3. Add to .env

After logging in to the VM, from the shell:

$ cd /dbms
$ bundle exec rake db:prepare
$ foreman start

Then open up a web browser on your local workstation and navigate to http://localhost:3000. The default login information is: / password.

Load Example Data

From the VM shell:

$ bundle exec rake db:load_project_data

Note that you can also modify the load_project_data task in lib/tasks/load_data.rake to load your project data or other example data if you wish.

Reload Example Data

From the VM shell:

$ bundle exec rake db:prepare db:load_project_data