
High-throughput transcriptomics pipeline (httrpl)

Primary LanguageROtherNOASSERTION

HTTr Pipeline Code (httrpl)

System Requirements

This software pipeline provides scripts and APIs in both python 3 and R. To access pipeline outputs from existing databases, only R is required, and can be used on either Windows or Linux. For pipelining new data, both python 3 and R are required on a Linux-based system, and MongoDB is used as the (optional) database backend.


All R code in this pipeline has been encapsulated in the R package httrlib contained within this repository. All R code has been tested on R 3.6.0, but any version of R 3.x or 4.x should be compatible, except with regards to controlling the version of DESeq2 noted below. However, differences between versions of other R package dependencies may impact certain aspects of the pipeline due to changes in functionality or API.

The following R packages are required to pull existing HTTr data from MongoDB:

  • mongolite - Required for DB access in R, code has been tested with v2.1.0 of this package.
  • jsonlite - Required for DB access and handling JSON files, code has been tested with v1.6 of this package.

Additional R packages are required to support pipelining of new HTTr data:

  • reldist - Required for computing Gini coefficients when applying QC checks on Level 1 count data, code has been tested with v1.6-6 of this package.
  • DESeq2 - Required for differential expression analysis, code has been tested and all published analysis run with v1.24.0 of this package, which is tied to R v3.6 and BioConductor v3.9.


All code in this package has been tested on Python 3.6 - compatibility with newer and older versions has not been tested.

Once Python 3 and associated pip tool is installed, the following python libraries should be installed for the individual user:

pip3 install --user pandas pymongo mongoengine

Additional Tools

The alignment step relies on two command-line tools that need be installed and available in the user's PATH environment variable:

  • HISAT2 - Current version of the pipeline requires v2.1.0 to ensure reproducibility of the results.
  • Samtools - Current version of the pipeline has been tested with v1.9 only, other versions have not been tested for compatibility.

The default behavior is to use MongoDB as the database back end, which is highly recommended for data sets with >1,000 samples. However, there is also an option to store and access similar data structures as JSON files stored in a directory, with no database manager system.

Full httrpl Installation

Follow these instructions to install the complete python and R environment with all required tools for pipelining new HTTr data.

The full httrpl environment can either be built as a python virtual environment, or as a Docker environment, as described below.

Note: All paths in this README assume a user has cloned the repository to (localpath)/httrpl. This path may be different depending on where the repo is cloned to and should be adjusted accordingly.

For Linux (with full R package builder)

For initial installation on Linux systems, we recommend using the full build script as this will install the pipeline along with all the required R packages and the httrlib R package (see below for details on this R package).

Simply run at the command line:

cd (localpath)/httrpl/

Additionally, if R is already installed with the required R packages you can run:

cd (localpath)/httrpl/

NOTE: build_pytest_env_no_docker_no_R.sh does not install the httrlib R package.

For Docker

This package currently includes an experimental script for building a docker container with all tools and dependencies needed to pipeline HTTr data. See docs/docker_notes.md for more information.

Unit Tests

This package contains a variety of unit tests that can help verify proper installation of the complete pipelining environment. See docs/unit_tests.md for more information.

Stand-Alone R Package Installation

All R functions for pulling HTTr data from the various MongoDB collections that are populated by the pipeline, functions for running differential expression analysis, useful QC functions, etc. have been compiled into an R package named httrlib.

The httrlib R package is installed after following the full installation procedures for Linux and/or Docker using the build_pytest_env_no_docker.sh script (see above). However, there are additional ways to build and install the httrlib R package for both Linux and Windows users if a user only wants/needs to install this R package.

For Linux (or Docker)

If a user already has all the required R packages and wants to just build and install the httrlib package, simply run:

cd (localpath)/httrpl/

For Windows

Instructions to install the httrlib package on Windows-based machine are shown below. NOTE: These instructions assume a Windows machine with R v3.6.x installed. However, these instructions also apply to users with newer R installations except that the version of RTools needed will be different and the R path in mininstall.bat needs to reflect the correct R version, if applicable.

To install the httrlib package on Windows-based machines:

  1. Install Rtools version 3.5 at https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/Rtools/Rtools35.exe
  2. Ensure write access to the <R installation folder>/library folder
  3. Open cmd and "run as administrator" or if you can't, open cmd normally and do the following:
  • Add an environment variable for the user logged in called BINPREF:
    set BINPREF=<RTools installation folder>\mingw_32\bin\
    • NOTE: Make sure you include the last \ in the above cmd code
    • <RTools installation folder> is likely to be C:\Users\<userId>\Rtools
    • This steps allows R to know where to find the RTools binaries
  • Add the 'bin' folders to your PATH variable:
    path %PATH%;<R installation folder>\bin;<RTools installation folder>\bin;
    • This is likely something similar to: path %PATH%;C:\Users\<user_id>\R\R-3.6.0\bin;C:\Users\<userId>\Rtools\bin;
  1. If you want to install all R package dependencies (~250 packages), including DESeq2, and build the httrlib package, run:
cd (localpath)/httrpl/windows-install/
  • If, on the other hand, you don't need to install DESeq2 and R package dependencies, just replace the <userid> variable in httrpl/windows-install/mininstall.bat with your user ID and run:
cd (localpath)/httrpl/windows-install/
  1. To test that the httrlib package was installed and can be loaded, run the following command in R/RStudio:

NOTE: Windows installation of the httrlib R package has been tested using R v3.6 (Rtools v3.5) and R v4.2 (Rtools v4.0).

Running the primary alignment and count step of httrpl

A brief manual/vignette that covers the main steps of httrpl can be found here: docs/httrpl_manual.md.

  • Executable scripts are in: httrpl/httr/bin/
  • Python modules are in: httrpl/httr/lib/
  • R modules are in: httrpl/httrlib/
  • An example config file can be found in: httrpl/httr/data/httrpl_automationTestData/config/originals/test_httrpl_userConfig.json

For running the alignment step, make sure your PATH environment variable points to the hisat2 and samtools libraries. For example, you can add the following lines to your .bashrc:

export PATH=/share/projects/HTTr/Tools/hisat2-2.1.0/:$PATH
export PATH=/share/projects/HTTr/Tools/samtools-1.9/bin/:$PATH

To run the pipeline, you must run the align_and_count.py command from the httrpl/httr/bin/ directory and specify the config file that you create.

Here is an example command to run the align_and_count.pyscript using an example config file and creating a log of the alignment run:

cd (localpath)/httrpl/httr/bin/
python3 align_and_count.py (localpath)/path/to/example_config.json &> (localpath)/path/to/logs/example.log &

Version History

v0.7.5-public (4/30/24)

This is an extensive update to the previous pilot code released in 2020

  • Updated documentation and user manual
  • Streamlined steps for pipelining data sets, with increased flexibility for alternate study designs.
  • Encapsulated all R functions into the httrlib package, with improved handling of MongoDB connections and standardized queries on both Windows and Linux
  • Added functionality to pipeline smaller data sets to disk without MongoDB back-end
  • Added functionality to handle DESeq2 differential expression analysis of multi-conc reference chemicals
  • Added functionality to validate DB schema and verify fastq paths
  • Added extensive unit tests for both Python functions and R/DESeq2 functions to ensure reproducible results.
  • Added scripts to build and test complete environment for pipelining, using either venv or Docker.



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