For more detail on why this repo exists as well as methods used see the attached whitepaper.
This repo has a few dependencies which can be installed by running.
Rscript Setup.r
- Top level script that performs some overhead and calls the other pieces to run on example dataset
- Functions related to calculations are defined here. As of 5/2/19 these include: The PLS Nowcast functions, the surrogate by linear regression, and counting max consecutive NA's in the data stream.
- Contains the GetNowcast() function. This goes through a decision tree based on properties of the data to decide whether a Nowcast is obtained via the PLS model, the surrogate regression, or 0 or previous hours' Nowcast value are used. Output is a single row'ed data.frame containing the date and Nowcast of the current hour. Calls on functions defined in NowcastFun.r.
- Contains the run.nowcast() function to apply the Nowcast calculation to a data stream, exemplified in Example.r.
- Example data upon which the Nowcast is calculated by Example.r