
completed exercises from "Learn C the Hard Way"

Primary LanguageC


use "Learn C the Hard Way" and post your progress here!


Git Initial Setup

  1. Tools
    • Here's a good Git tutorial. Use the commands rather than other ways of interacting with Github to build proficiency.
    • Use Vim as your text editor for LCTHW. If you're on a target box you don't get to choose what tools are installed, so learn Vim because it (or at least Vi) should be on every *nix box. Here's a good Vim tutorial.
    • * Using :set autoindent and :set cindent sets indentation for you automatically!
  2. Install Git if you don't have it
      sudo apt-get install git
  3. make a new directory (such as Git)
      mkdir Git
  4. go into the directory and clone this repo to download a working local copy
  5.   cd Git
      git clone https://github.com/USMA-SIGSAC/learn-C
  6. make a new directory using your handle
      cd /learn-C
      mkdir yourhandle

Making Contributions

  1. inside your directory, put your learn C progress! **DO NOT delete/modify OTHER PEOPLE's FOLDERS**
  2. after you are done for the day, update and save your commit by
      git add --all
      git commit -m "ex1, ex2, ex3"
      (you can put whatever message describing your commit between " ")
  3. Before you submit, you will get an error message if your someone else made changes to the web repository between time of your clone and submission.
      git pull https://github.com/USMA-SIGSAC/learn-C
       This will make your local folder up-to-date with web repository.
  4. Now, submit your commit by
      git push origin

If you have any questions regarding anything, let higunwoo or batman know.