OpenFaas Functions

This repository contains some prepared OpenFaas functions that can be used for transforming or routing of messages (CloudEvents).


A more detailed tutorial is located here.

Login to OpenFaaS Gateway:

echo -n $PASSWORD | faas-cli login --password-stdin

Deploy function:

faas deploy

Using up instand of deploy results in a build, push and deploy.


Port forwarding to OpenFaaS Gateway:

kubectl port-forward svc/gateway -n openfaas 8080

Helpful commands

Get logs of function running in Kubernetes cluster:

kubectl -n $NAMESPACE logs -f $(kubectl get pods -n $NAMESPACE --selector=faas_function=$FUNCTION_NAME --output=jsonpath={})

Demo Function

The Messaging to HTTP Adapter FaaS function which is used in our demo is located in the Adapter/MessagingToHttpAdapter folder. It requires the Cloud Event attributes adapterRequestUrl, adapterRequestMethod and expects messages of the type "httpEnvelop" with the content type "application/json". The HTTP to Messaging Adapter Component produces the right messages. The function executes the HTTP request which is embedded in the message and produces a response message from the HTTP response.