
A powerful tool to use chat-gpt-4/gpt-4o version for free. Unlimited messages no limits.

Primary LanguagePython


A powerful tool to use chat-gpt-4/gpt-4o version for free. Unlimited messages no limits.


0. Install requirements "python -m pip install -r requirements.txt"
1. Start main.py with python 3.x
2. Enter your gpt app name (exemple: gpt-4-experiment)
3. Select version to use (3.5 / 4 / 4o)
4. Enter your prompt (if you use 3.5 or 4) 5. If you're using 4o version, you will be redirected on a web browser, follow instructions. And there you go !

One time usage:

python main.py --onetime "PROMPT" --version [3.5/4/4o]

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