AdcircNN is a Python software for physics based machine learning with ADvanced CIRCulation (ADCIRC) and neural networks. AdcircNN is a sister project of Water Coupler and may be integrated into it later.
- Python 3+.
- NumPy
- pyADCIRC, the Python interface of ADCIRC, which requires:
- ADCIRC shared library :
- ADCIRC python interface :
- ADCIRC shared library :
Following steps are needed to properly install AdcircNN on Linux:
- Install the ADCIRC Python interface, pyADCIRC, and run tests if needed
- Add the path of the shared libraries
to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable, and - Run the following commands to clone this repository, change the directory, and
pip-install AdcircNN.
git clone cd adcirc_nn python3 -m pip install .
- You should now be able to
import adcirc_nn
in Python, if needed.
To do.
Suppose you want to run an AdcircNN simulation. After installing pyADCIRC and AdcircNN, copy the ADCIRC input files in a single directory. Run AdcircNN as a module with 2 command line arguments as follows.
- Argument 1: Coupling type identifier which is one of {Adn, ndA, AdndA, ndAdn}
- Argument 2: Boundary string ID of the ADCIRC model that is being coupled to the machine learning model, For instance, the Linux/Unix workflow goes as follows.
mkdir sample-sim
cd sample-sim
cp <path_to_ADCIRC_input_files>/fort.* .
python -m adcirc_nn <Coupling type identifier> <ADCIRC model coupled boundary>
AdcircNN is distributed under the BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" license. Note, however, that some of the external dependencies of this software are proprietary/closed-source, which cannot and should not be distributed with this software.