
[Software] The back-end for NOVA mission control/operations.

Primary LanguagePython

NOVA Mission Operations Back-End

The back-end for NOVA mission control/operations. This project uses the Django framework. Note: At the moment of writing, this repository is very incomplete, and should only be treated as a testing playground.


  1. Clone the Repository

Add an ssh key to Github (How to add SSH Key to Github ssh-agent).

git clone git@github.com:UTATRocketry/nova-ops-back.git
cd nova-ops-back
  1. Install dependencies First, it is recommended to set up a virtual environment, good options are conda (Getting started with Conda) or venv.
pip install -r requirements.txt

Additionally, you should make sure that Redis is installed and running on your computer, as this is crucial for handling Websocket connections. Installation guide is largely simple: Redis: Installation

  1. Run Migrations

This will initialize a database, and commit model schemas, etc.

python manage.py migrate
  1. Recommended: Seed the database

Running this command will add a superuser (username: root, password: 12345) and an initial PressureSensor instance to the database.

python manage.py seed_test


Start the Django development server by running:

python manage.py runserver

Separately, run the background task for updating the example pressure sensor data:

python manage.py update_pressure

You should have an active WebSocket connection at ws://localhost:8000/ws/pressure/ that serves the pressure and id of the PressureSensor instance.