
A single-page Flask web application that reports the status of Minecraft (Java Edition) servers, Mumble servers, and websites.

Primary LanguageSliceMIT LicenseMIT

Minecart Rapid Transit Logo

MRT Status Page

A simple Flask web application that reports the status of Minecraft (Java Edition) servers, Mumble servers, and websites. This application also retrieves up-to-date version and player data from Minecraft and Mumble servers.

This page was built for the Minecart Rapid Transit (MRT) Minecraft Server to help inform players of the status of various services.

Live Demo

The actual live status page can be viewed at: https://status.minecartrapidtransit.net.


This application was built using Python 3.8.0.

After installing Python, install the required packages by navigating to the application root directory and running pip with the provided requirements file:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Finally, copy the contents of the instance_template directory into a new directory named instance:

cp -R instance_template instance


Check config.py in the instance directory and choose your desired settings. This application supports two types of data stores, which are used to store the statuses retrieved from the services:

  • SQLite 3 (stored in a database file of negligible size)
  • Redis (stored in-memory, you must set up your own Redis instance for this option)

Setting up Services

You can specify the servers you want to monitor in the JSON files in the instance/services directory.

Minecraft Servers

This application uses mcstatus, a library made by the Minecraft developer Dinnerbone, to retrieve the status from a Minecraft server that has queries enabled. To enable queries on your server, go to your server's server.properties file and set the following:


Then, in mc_servers.json, add an entry with the name, address, and port of your Minecraft server:

  "name": "Main",
  "address": "minecartrapidtransit.net",
  "status": null,
  "message": null

If your Minecraft server uses a different port or query port, you can specify them in the JSON entry:

  "name": "Beta",
  "address": "minecartrapidtransit.net",
  "port": 35565,
  "query": 40001,
  "status": null,
  "message": null

Mumble Servers

This application uses Zero-C ICE to retrieve information from a Mumble server. To enable ICE on your server, go to your murmur.ini and uncomment the following line:

ice="tcp -h <your hostname> -p 6502"

For the hostname, you can use if you are hosting the Mumble server on the same host as the status page. Otherwise, use an IP or hostname that the status page can use to connect to the Mumble server.

It is strongly recommended that you specify an ICE read-only secret on your Mumble server, as well as keep the ICE write secret blank. This will ensure that parties that connect to your Mumble server by ICE can only read information about your server if they have the secret, and that they can never make any changes to the server. Specify the secrets in your Mumble server's murmur.ini:


Finally, in mumble_servers.json, add an entry for your Mumble server. Note that address and port refers to the normal method that Mumble clients should use to connect to your server, while ice_address and ice_port should match what you specified in murmur.ini. If you added an ICE read-only secret to your server, be sure to specify it here under ice_secret:

  "name": "Mumble",
  "address": "minecartrapidtransit.net",
  "port": 64738,
  "ice_address": "",
  "ice_port": 6502,
  "ice_secret": "secret",
  "ice_timeout_in_millis": 1000,
  "status": null,
  "message": null

Web Services

This application can ping websites to ensure that they are at least responding with a 2xx or 3xx status code. Any other status code will result in a "No Service" status shown on the page.

In web_services.json, enter the name and address of your website:

  "name": "Website",
  "address": "https://www.minecartrapidtransit.net",
  "status": null,
  "message": null

Websites protected by HTTP Basic Auth are also supported. For such websites, add basic_auth_username and basic_auth_password:

  "name": "File Server",
  "address": "https://files.minecartrapidtransit.net",
  "basic_auth_username": "username",
  "basic_auth_password": "password",
  "status": null,
  "message": null

Third-Party Services

This category is intended for services that you do not own, and services where you do not want to actively check the status. Instead, a link can be specified to the third-party provider's own status page.

In third_party_services.json, specify address as the address of the service if applicable, and status_address as the address of the service's status page. If address is null, it will display as "N/A" on the page.

  "name": "Mojang",
  "address": null,
  "status_address": "https://help.mojang.com"

Overridable Statuses and Messages

For all types of services except for third party services, you can replace the retrieved status and/or the default message with your own. This is useful if you want to notify players of any maintenance or alerts, or if your services are intentionally down or having issues for a period of time.

To change the status, set status in the JSON service entry to one of the following:

  • "ONLINE" = "Good Service"
  • "OFFLINE" = "No Service"
  • "PARTIAL" = "Fair Service"
  • "ALERT" = "Alert"
  • "MAINTENANCE" = "Maintenance"
  • "UNKNOWN" = "Unknown"

To change the message, set message in the JSON service entry to your desired message. You can use "\n" characters to create new lines in your message.


  "name": "Main",
  "address": "minecartrapidtransit.net",
  "port": 25565,
  "status": "MAINTENANCE",
  "message": "The server will be down for maintenance\nthis Monday, January 1st from 1-3pm UTC."

Running the Application

The development server can be run by setting the FLASK_APP environment variable to mrt_status_page, then running Flask:

export FLASK_APP=mrt_status_page
flask run