
A WordPress plugin boilerplate inspired by WordPress Plugin Boilerplate Generator structured with MVC, PSR-4 autoloading, and PSR-1 coding style in mind.

Primary LanguagePHP

A WordPress plugin boilerplate made with PS4 autoloading and MVC design pattern in mind.

Original boilerplate code was made with https://wppb.me/, but changes made to accommodate MVC design pattern and PSR4 autoloading. Some additional tools for WordPress, PHP and JS development were added.

There might be more replacements to be done to get all placeholder text changed but I've tried to list all of them below. Feel free to submit a pull request for any changes.



Run composer install


  • Add relevant info to package.json
  • Run npm install



  • Replace 'my_plugin_name' with the Plugin name example Awesome WordPress Plugin (exact match [whole word])

  • Replace 'my_plugin_shortname' with a short lowercase version of the plugin name example awesome_wp_plugin. USE UNDERSCORES for the sparation (exact match [whole word])

  • Replace 'text-domain' with plugin text domain (exact match [whole word])

  • Replace 'PREFIX' with a prefix for constants (loose match, case sensitive)

  • Replace 'prefix_' with a lowercase version of the plugin name example myplugin_ etc. USE UNDERSCORES for the sparation example my_plugin_ (loose match, case sensitive)

  • Replace '_prefix' with lowercase version of plugin name example _my_plugin (loose match, case sensitive)

  • Replace 'prefix-' with a lowercase version of the plugin name example myplugin- etc. USE DASHES for the sparation example my-plugin- (exact match [whole word], case sensitive)

  • Replace 'root' in file name for activator and deactivator classes located in /includes with a lowercase version of the plugin name, example myplugin. USE DASHES for the sparation example my-plugin-

  • Replace RootActivator and RootDeactivator class names with the preferred class names for the activator and deactivator files. (exact match [whole word], case sensitive)

  • Replace 'prefix' in file name for your asset files located in /assets with a lowercase version of the plugin name, example myplugin. USE DASHES for the sparation example my-plugin-

  • Open dist.sh in the bin folder and replace prefix.zip with the name for your dist file that will be created when you run composer dist example myplugin.zip

  • Replace 'Root' with a shortname for plugin example Myplugin. This is used as your namespace prefix. (exact match, whole word)

You need to run composer dumpautoload after making this change to refresh autoload file with correct details.

  • Replace 'plugin_author_name' with your name, (exact match [whole word])

  • Replace 'plugin_author_url' with your website, (exact match [whole word])

  • Replace 'plugin_author_email' with your email address (exact match [whole word])

  • Replace SL_DEV_DEBUGGING with a constant of your choice. This constant should be defined as true in your local wp install's wp-config.php file where you work on the plugin. It is used to set the plugin's main debug constant as true and loads the unminified JS of the plugin while working in your local environment.


If deploying plugin from github then remove the following lines from the .gitignore file:


These are the build files for your JS and should be committed if you're deploying the plugin from github using a plugin like Git Updater.