
testing branching and git use


testing branching and git use for members


  • make your own branch
  • make a text file
  • add your file and commit
  • push your file to your branch
  • update your branch from master
  • make a pull request to master

##Valuable Reads!!!: ####The importance of a good commit (also funny):

####How to do a good commit:

##Notes: ###Windows: Please note that, while the Windows version of Git has a Git Shell Extension which recognizes all commands in the README. Pull request can be done locally (ie not on the website) and there are ways to do all pulls / checkouts through the GUI.

##How to:

###Make a branch: #####Make a Local Branch % git checkout -b

#####Make the branch remote % git push origin

###Make a Text File: Using vim or another text editor, create a file of your choice.

###Add File to git and Commit: #####Add file to Git: % git add . (note, this adds all files in current directory!)

#####Commit files added: % git commit --verbose

  • Enter the commit message. Remember! The first line is the commit header and further lines are the body.
  • Make sure to keep it wrapped to 72 characters or less on each line!! (see above "How to do a good commit")

####Push your file to your branch: % git push origin

###Update your branch from master: #####switch branch to master: % git checkout master

#####update your master copy with latest version: % git pull origin master

#####switch back to your branch: % git checkout

#####merge master into your branch: % git merge master

###Now fix any possible conflicts in your files!

###Make a pull request:

  • Go onto github and on the right side there is "Pull Requests" under the "test" repository.
  • Once under the "Pull Requests" section, make a new pull request (green button).
  • Use your branch and make a comment for the pull request.