
Documentation on running the UPL; Post Lab Issues Here As Well.

Primary LanguageShell


Documentation on running the UPL. This seems to be out of date, but it includes some things missing from config/readme. Pull requests and the like are welcomed.

Table of Contents:

Lab Overview:

Lists UPL servers and the services on them that perform tasks essential to running the lab.


The main server in the UPL

  • Home directories (NFS)
    • Home directories provided to all other UPL machines via NFS
    • /home
  • Home directory backups as well
    • In /home_backup
  • AFS Connection
    • Mounts a network drive of the CSL lab so we an read out valid CS users.
  • Webcam
    • Webcam control server
      • Runs out of /webcam folder on eris
      • Started by a line in /etc/rc.local on eris
      • These changes to rc.local should be moved so that cfengine enforces them, but I’m lazy
    • Webcam stream
      • Runs out of /webcam folder on eris
      • Started by a line in /etc/rc.local on eris
      • These changes to rc.local should be moved so that cfengine enforces them, but I’m lazy


Naming / IP responsibilities

  • bind9 (transitioning to docker-bind9)
    • DNS Service, basically allows us to use machine names instead of ip addresses
    • Config must be changed via Docker image at /srv/maintain/UPL-Config/docker/bind9!
  • docker-dhcp
    • DHCP service, hands certain machines fixed ip addresses
      • We own a nice Class C block of IPV4 IP addresses (, to be exact)
    • Run by docker automatically on boot! Configuration files are found at /srv/maintain/UPL-Config/docker/dhcp
  • Important Notes pertaining to CSL integration
    • It is VERY important that our DNS server (Currently siren) always have the IP address
    • This IP address is whitelisted by CSL's / DoIT's DNS servers (that run *.cs.wisc.edu)
    • If a different IP is used, dns lookups all fail, and the UPL goes down for 8 hours during finals.
  • To change a machine's hostname, edit /srv/maintain/UPL-Config/docker/bind9/data/bind/etc/pri with the appropriate host. Note that this requires a DHCP change as well, as DHCP looks up a computer's MAC addr and assigns it an IP address accordingly. This can be found in /srv/maintain/UPL-Config/docker/dhcp/data/dhcpd.conf. BACK THESE UP BEFORE CHANGING THEM!


Apache Webserver

  • Serves the UPL Website / Knowledgebase
  • Should also serve websites people have set up in their ~username/Public folders


Music server

  • Mopidy: An HTTP and MPD server.
    • The backend host for playing music, requires a frontend client.
    • Clients may be HTTP in nature, or may be any old MPD client.
    • HTTP on port 6680, MPD on 6600
  • Ncmpcpp: the nice frontend
    • SSH into chiptunes, run ncmpcpp and hit 1 for instructions.
    • A frontend to mopidy, its how we tell mopidy what to play
    • To add music (MUST BE A COORDINATOR):
    • Get the music onto the UPL filesystem
    • cp the music to the /music directory of chiptunes
    • Please place the music into a directory like /artist/album for ease of ncmpcpp use
    • run sudo chown -R mopidy:upl-user /music
    • If your addition did not register with ncmpcpp, try chmoding it
  • Pianobar: Pandora internet radio music player
    • Sign in with your Pandora account, and crank the tunes
    • If you are getting the TLS fingerprint mismatch error, you need to update your config file
    • A script has been made to automatically do this for you. While logged into chiptunes run fix-pianobar.



  • Runs Ubuntu with an emulator wrapper (RetroArch)
  • To add a game:
  • Download your favorite ROM and unzip in terminal using unzip
  • Move the unziped ROM to the games directory and in the correct directory (eg. N64)(you can use the visual file explorer to do this)
  • Open up the RetroArch and scan the directory where you put the unziped ROM
  • Go to the emulator for that ROM and it should now be in that list.
  • If not in list, go to load content in the main menu of RetroArch and load the ROM from its directory

General Configuration

  • Library google doc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vvBGUE4_Y-BbBa2enLRiEGEVqUorZEdq1Rb1O8NG4NM/edit#gid=0
  • Lives in ~upl/newconfig/cfmaster
    • Self explanatory, takes out actions on groups of machines (defined in cf.group)
    • Actions are defined in the other cf.* files
      • Cf.main is the most important one
      • A lot of what they do is copy files to places
  • Kerberos
    • System that allows people in the CSL to log in with their CS user / pass
    • We base our login off of that as well, look through the cf configs for references to a Kerberos config file, then read that.
  • Cron Jobs
    • Cron is what ensures tasks run at certain times. All cron jobs are defined in cf.main
      • File backups (happen at 1am)
      • Package updating, upgrading (happens at 1am)
      • Cfagent (a helper program that checks for cfengine configuration changes)
        • Runs on every machine every 5 minutes
        • This is why adding a user can take 5 minutes to propagate and work

Helpful installed packages

Most (if not all machines) have these packages installed to help run the lab

  • Nfs_common – necessary for a machine to load homefolders
  • Fail2ban – stops China and Russia from endlessly bruteforcing logins on our machines
    • Ip bans them for a few hours if they fuck around too much
  • Libpam_krb5 – package enabling Kerberos authentication so people can log in with their CS credentials
    • Contacts CS’s Kerberos server (Kerberos.cs.wisc.edu) to auth users
  • Cfengine2 – cfengine, the package that really enforces machine “state” and configuration

Adding a User

  1. Have the user sign up sheet handy
  2. Ensure that they have a CSL account (if not, send e-mail to lab?)
  3. Run sudo upl-admin, and follow the prompts
  4. Log into the CSL authenticated web pages as user upluse and add the UPL bit there. (It will claim it failed, but it's not true) you should have the password, if not, start by obtaining it.
  5. Add the user to the upl-users mailing list. You should have the password. If not, start by obtaining it
  • Go to the cs mailman
  • Access the "admin interface". Login.
  • Open up the "Membership Management".
  • Click on the "Mass Subscription".
  • Add users to the mailing list, one per line.
    • The options are "Subscribe", Send Welcome Message should be "Yes", Send Notifications of new subscriptions to the list owner should be "No".

Adding a Coord

Similarly, run sudo upl-admin, and follow the prompts.

Now add them to the coords mailing list by going to https://lists.cs.wisc.edu/mailman/admin/upl-coords, signing in, clicking on Member Management, then Mass Subscription, then typing in the e-mail address of the new coord.

Then have them meet with Bart, get an after-hour pass, and get an OD Key.

Removing a Coord

Run sudo upl-admin, and follow the prompts.

Starting up servers

Machines that need to be turned back on. They are listed in order they should be started:

  1. Siren (DHCP, so the computers know of each other and can talk to each other)

  2. Eris (home folders)

*Sometimes need to hit enter for GRUB or F1 to boot. Plug in Monitor and Keyboard to check as you boot up.

  1. Spearow (web server for upl.cs.wisc.edu)

    *Also sometimes need to hit F1 upon boot.

  2. Nethack (some game servers, and mumble server)

  3. Turn on all other machines

Common Problems:


  • I can’t sign in to the Spearow knowledgebase, or page editing gives an error.
    • Disk is out of space on Spearow, probably need to clear /var/log

Adding User

The music server is playing a song, but I can't hear it

  • Did you make sure the cords are plugged in?
    • When the power goes out, the actual stereo in the server rack gets reset.
    • In order to reset, click the function button until you're on the 'aux' channel

The internet doesn't work on a machine, even though it is plugged in correctly and connected to a network

  • This may be an issue with Siren issuing IP addresses. This was noticed in 11/15, and after power failure in 12/15 as well
    • This was fixed by restarting Siren.

I need to print out new user forms, how do I do that?

I can't ssh into the UPL!

  • If you get a "man-in-the-middle" warning, this can be easily fixed. The data in your ~/.ssh/known_hosts file has likely been corrupted or outdated. Simply remove the offending data (line number given by the error output) and you should be good.
  • If the above tactic does not work, please contact a coord and/or file an issue in this repo.

Book Library

man upl


This is a user-contributed man page for new UPL users to become better acquainted with the lab and its facilities. Please see the directory man-upl for content and the man page generation script.

To generate (or update) the upl manpage entry, just run:

$ bash generate-upl-manpage.sh

If you are interested in contributing to the effort or have input, please let us know by speaking with a coord or filing an issue on GitHub.