
A curated list of awesome past and current open-sourced student projects at UW-Bothell.

MIT LicenseMIT


A curated list of awesome past and current open-sourced student projects at UW-Bothell. Inspired by the awesome lists on GitHub.


This repository will serve as a helpful tool to connect students attending UW-Bothell with both active and archived open-sourced student projects.


Questions should be posted as issues and tagged with "question". If the question/answer exchange is deemed useful for anyone visiting this repository, then it will be added to this section.


Please see CONTRIBUTING.md for more information.

Current (Active) Projects


  • CSSBot - A bot for the CSS Discord Server.
  • Easier68k - A python library that assembles and simulates the Motorola 68k CPU Architecture.

Hackathon 2018

  • DiscordBot_Java - A barebones Java-based Discord bot example.
  • CSSBot_Py - A barebones Discord chat bot written in Python 3.5 using the discord.py library.

Past Projects
