This authenticates to Google Cloud and then Google Artifact Registry.

What it does

  • Auth to Google Cloud (getting an access token)
  • Auth to Google Artifact Registry (
  • Enable PyPI on Google Artifact Registry by installing an appropriate keyring via pip
    • This does not integrate with poetry if you are using pipx. For that you can
      • Manually run poetry self add
      • PR an extra input to this action (or ask @miker985 to do it)

How to use it

      - name: Auth to Google
        uses: 'uwit-iam/action-auth-artifact-registry@main'
          credentials: "${{ secrets.MCI_GCLOUD_AUTH_JSON }}"
          # REQUIRED if you want private GAR container registry access
          enable_private_docker: true
          # REQUIRED if you want private GAR PyPI access
          enable_private_pypi: true


These outputs are all provided by the underling google-github-actions/auth action's outputs

  • project_id: Provided or extracted value for the Google Cloud project ID.
  • credentials_file_path: Path on the local filesystem where the generated credentials file resides.
  • auth_token: The Google Cloud federated token (for Workload Identity Federation) or self-signed JWT (for a Service Account Key JSON).
  • access_token: The Google Cloud access token for calling other Google Cloud APIs.

Other important information

Enabling the private PyPI repo involves installing a Python package. This will be installed via pip.

Users of this action should pre-configure the runner as appropriate prior to calling this.

Likely that means calling e.g., actions/setup-python to set the correct default Python version

      - uses: actions/setup-python@v5
          # auto-detect Python version from file; alternatively you can set to explicit version if desired
          python-version-file: pyproject.toml