
UWIT-IAM Documentation for our use of GKE

UWIT-IAM GCP Technical Documentation

This is a public repo, do not store service account names, project id's or other sensitive configuration details. For connection access and other sensitive topics, please see the IAM team wiki > IAM Software Components > gcp-k8, which has links to other resources.

Web Applications

Application Administration

Cluster Administration

New Cluster Setup

Google Cloud Projects and GKE clusters are created by the UE team using Terraform. They are all in a GCP Shared VPC. Once they are created we are responsible with the workloads inside the cluster.

  1. Get a cluster provisioned from UE and have cluster admin access.
  2. Get a simple basic new application running.
  3. Create a hosted zone
  4. Create a TLS Ingress Service
  5. Enable the default k8 service account to pull from GCR


  1. If you see an error in this repo, clone it, commit, make a PR
  2. Do not put sensitive information in this public repo, instead, provide commands that enable the discovery of service accounts or project id's.
  3. Most "setup" tasks are already done and this provides a history of those one time actions, which, ideally could be automated via terraform etc.