
Primary LanguageC++

Air_Quality Sensor Code

  • AirQ_Old: Arduino code for the outdated IoT Air Q sensor
  • ExampleSen55: Arduino example code for the SEN55 air quality sensor
  • AirQ_Updated: Arduino code for the new air quality circuit with SEN55 sensor created in 2024

Drivers and library setup for coding

Follow steps in this guide: https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-esp32-feather-v2/arduino-ide-setup

Download the following code as a zip file and then import it as a library to your Arduino IDE (Sketch => Include Library => Add .ZIP Library...) https://github.com/Sensirion/arduino-i2c-sen5x


  • Software Sequence: all the requirements needed to write

  • Electrical Schematics is located in their perspective folders

  • Engineering Notebook

  • DataSheets