
Eris distributed transactions

Primary LanguageC++


This is an implementation of the Eris protocol, as described in the paper "Eris: Coordination-Free Consistent Transactions Using In-Network Concurrency Control" from SOSP 2017.

Eris is a new system for high-performance distributed transaction processing. It moves a core piece of concurrency control functionality into the datacenter network itself. This network primitive takes on the responsibility for consistently ordering transactions, and a new lightweight transaction protocol ensures atomicity.

In the normal case, Eris avoids both replication and transaction coordination overhead. It can process a large class of distributed transactions in a single round-trip from the client to the storage system without any explicit coordination between shards or replicas.


This repository contains implementations of 5 distributed transaction protocols:

  1. Eris, including independent transaction processing, view change, epoch change, and general transaction processing protocols.

  2. Lock-Store, a standard distributed transaction protocol that uses two phase commit, two phase locking, and Multi-Paxos.

  3. TAPIR, as described in the paper "Building Consistent Transactions with Inconsistent Replication".

  4. Granola, as described in the paper "Granola: Low-Overhead Distributed Transaction Coordination".

  5. A nontransactional, unreplicated system that provides neither consistency nor fault tolerance guarantees.

...as well as an endhost implementation of the sequencer.

Building and Running

Eris and can be built using make. It has been tested on Ubuntu 14.04, 16.04 and Debian 8. Regression tests can be run with make check

Dependencies include (Debian/Ubuntu packages): protobuf-compiler pkg-config libunwind-dev libssl-dev libprotobuf-dev libevent-dev libgtest-dev

You will need to create a configuration file with the following syntax:

f <number of failures tolerated>
replica <hostname>:<port>
replica <hostname>:<port>
replica <hostname>:<port>
replica <hostname>:<port>
multicast <multicast addr>:<port>

Each group is a replicated shard, and should contain 2f+1 replicas. Multicast address is optional. However, the multi-sequenced groupcast implementation uses the multicast address as the groupcast address.

In order to run Eris, you need to configure the network to route multi-sequenced groupcast packets first to the sequencer, and then groupcast to all receivers. The easiest way is to use OpenFlow and install rules that match on the multicast address. (You don't need to do this for the other protocols)

Our multi-sequenced groupcast implementation expects a custom header at the beginning of the UDP data, which contains the epoch number and the multi-stamp described in the paper. If you need to write your own sequencer, please refer to sequencer/sequencer.cc for the custom header format. If you need to modify the header format, you will have to modify ProcessPacket and DecodePacket in lib/udptransport.cc.

You can then start a simple kvstore replica server with ./store/benchmark/txnServer -c <path to config file> -i <replica index> -n <shard index> -N <total number of shards> -k <number of keys> -f <keys file> -a kv -m <mode>, where keys file is a text file with one key per line, and mode is either:

  • spanner for Lock-Store
  • tapir for TAPIR
  • granola for Granola
  • unreplicated for NT-UR
  • eris for Eris

If eris mode is used, you additionally need to specify the Failure Coordinator configuration file using -o <path to FC config file>. The FC configuration file uses a similar syntax:

f <number of failures tolerated>
replica <hostname>:<port>
replica <hostname>:<port>

To start a Failure Coordinator replica, run ./store/benchmark/fcor -e <path to transaction server config file> -c <path to FC config file> -i <replica index>.

To run a single kvstore client, use ./store/benchmark/kvClient -c <path to config file> -N <total number of shards> -l <transaction length> -k <number of keys> -f <keys file> -m <mode> -d <duration of test (in seconds)>, where transaction length specifies how many keys each transaction queries.

For performance measurements, you will likely want to add -DNASSERT and -O2 to the CFLAGS in the Makefile.


Eris is a product of the UW Systems Lab. Please email Jialin Li at lijl@cs.washington.edu with any questions.