
A python solution for n-gram method in NLP.

Primary LanguagePython


A python solution for n-gram method in NLP.


Put your training data in the 'data/' directory (or anywhere you like), and you can train a trigram model through:

python train.py -n 3 -f data/train_set.txt

Token counts will be generated in the form of json files in the 'n_gram_bank/' directory.


Put your testing data in the 'data/' directory (or anywhere you like), and you use the trained trigram model to test through:

python test.py -n 3 -f data/test_set.txt

Discounting method

Different discounting methods are provided. Now includes:

  • Good Turing Discounting: 'turing' (Default)
  • Gumbel Discounting: 'gumbel'

Take Truing Discounting as an example:

python train.py -n 3 -f data/train_set.txt -m turing

Instant testing

After the model is trained, you can instantly test your sentence through the '-inst' arg.

Note that words should be connected by bars, and any punctuation or capital letter should not be included.

python test.py -n 2 -inst every-day-he-gets-up-at-six-goes-jogging-and-eats-breakfast-at-seven

which outputs:

PPL = PPL = 581.36260

Interesting facts

Through the instant feedback command, you can see how a right-ordered scentence gets a lower probability when it's scrambled:

python test.py -n 2 -inst mother-always-say-an-apple-a-day-keeps-the-doctor-away

gets the result:

PPL = 1122.59597
python test.py -n 2 -inst apple-always-say-an-doctor-a-day-keeps-the-mother-away

gets the result:

PPL = 1264.10669
python test.py -n 2 -inst always-away-mother-an-apple-day-doctor-a-keeps-the-say

gets the result:

PPL = 1747.99034

As the sentence gets more confused, PPL increases.