
Ntuplizer for VV->lvj/jj

Primary LanguagePython

# EXOVVNtuplizerRunII

Ntuplizer for searches for heavy resonances decaying to dibosons

installation instructions

Setting up CMSSW (for september reprocessing):

cmsrel CMSSW_9_4_9
cd CMSSW_9_4_9/src
git cms-init

getting the ntuplizer codes

cd $CMSSW_BASE/src
export GITUSER=`git config user.github`
git clone https://github.com/${GITUSER}/EXOVVNtuplizerRunII 
cd EXOVVNtuplizerRunII
git remote add UZHCMS https://github.com/UZHCMS/EXOVVNtuplizerRunII
git fetch UZHCMS
git checkout -b DevelopmentBranch_9_4_0 UZHCMS/94X_ntuplizer
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src
scram b -j 8

update the cut-based electron ID and MVAID to V2. HEEP are included by default in 94X


cd $CMSSW_BASE/src
git cms-merge-topic guitargeek:EgammaID_9_4_X
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src
scram b -j 8

running for data and MC

Just set the proper flag in python/ntuplizerOptions_generic_cfi.py

cmsRun config_generic.py 

to recluster jets and MET, or to add the Higgs-tagger the following flags can be changed:

config["DOAK8RECLUSTERING"] = False
config["DOHBBTAG"] = False

If you want to use Higgs tagger the first two flags must all be set to True.

Batch submission

Config file creation

Config file creation can be done via the createConfig.py script. It requires a text file with a list of input data sets, see e.g. samples/QCD_HT_RunIISpring15MiniAODv2.txt. To run:

python tools/createConfig.py samples/QCD_HT_RunIISpring15MiniAODv2.txt

When running over data, this requires the -d flag. The script will automatically determine if the data sets are available on the T3 storage element. Also, --help will provide more information (e.g. allows changing the default number of jobs per event). If you run the script from a different directory, you need to provide the location of the template file.

Job submission

Submit your jobs using the submitJobsOnT3batch.py script with the generated config files like this:

python submitJobsOnT3batch.py -C myconfig.cfg

Once the jobs are done, they can be checked for completeness like this:

python submitJobsOnT3batch.py -C myconfig.cfg --check

Resubmit jobs like this:

python submitJobsOnT3batch.py -C myconfig.cfg --resubmit 1,4,7

And eventually copied to the SE (path given in the config file):

python submitJobsOnT3batch.py -C myconfig.cfg --copy

Finally, note that, when you run on crab, you have to enable

config.JobType.sendExternalFolder = True

as described at https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/CMS/MultivariateElectronIdentificationRun2#Recipes_and_implementation