It this web application the user can create different fields related to some tasks and can add many tasks in a particular field and after the task is done the user can mark it complete. The idea is simple but done in an interesting way, can be an achievement. using shades, animation gives the project a new life. And all the code was done from scratch.
How it looks like
1) Entry Page:
Here the user has to enter his name and I have added a little bit of animation after the user submit the response
2) Main Page:
Now after submitting the name if will be shown in the top left of the app, you can see some input build categories you can delete and add new of your own by clicking the " + " button in the top right corner;
3) Side-bar
By clicking on the Blue and white tick the side will open. In the side bar we can see different categorie which are also visible in the main page
4) Task List
By clicking on the category on the main page or the side bar a list of task will slide down from the top, where we can add and remove task after their compeletion
5) Add Option
By clicking on the "+" on the top right corner, we can now add a new catogory.
5) Delete Option
By clicking on the Three dot on the top right corner of the catogory box, we can delte a catogory.