
Joke program for Hacker Olympics 2019.

Primary LanguageLuaThe UnlicenseUnlicense


A joke program made for challenge 2 of University of Glasgow TechSoc's 2019 "Hacker Olympics".

Ruby-Go-Perl: Make a Rube Goldberg type program, which incorporates as many programming languages as possible.

This repo contains the state of the program as of the competition's deadline. No further changes or bug fixes have been made; the Java and Love2D code are still mostly broken.


Tested on Linux.

  1. start.sh or start.bat print the 1st line and invoke Perl
  2. line2.pl prints the 2nd line and invokes Python
  3. line3.py prints the 3rd line, compiles line45.cc with a C++ compiler, then runs the C++ executable
  4. The C++ executable prints the 4th line, calls CMake and recompiles line45.cc - but this time with a C compiler
  5. The C executable prints the 5th line, then invokes Ruby
  6. line6.rb prints the 6th line and launches runhaskell
  7. line7.hs prints the 7th line, compiles a C# executable from Line8.cs and runs it with Mono
  8. The C# executable prints two lines, compiles a Java .class from Line9.java and runs it
  9. The java program prints two lines, then launches Love2D from the root folder
  10. Finally, Love2D runs main.lua