
A Python daemon for managing Minecraft/game servers

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A Python daemon for managing Minecraft servers.



Discord is used for controlling the server, and seeing its current status.
See the official docs.

  1. Create a Discord account (or use an existing one)
  2. Create a Discord application with the given account
  3. Make the application into a bot (= create a bot account for the application)
  4. Invite the bot to the server it will be controlled from. Bot permissions:
    • View channels
    • Read message history
    • Send messages
    • Add reactions

Google Drive

Google Drive is used to keep copies of savefiles (usually the Minecraft world folder).

  1. Create a Google account (or use an existing one)
  2. From the developer dashboard:
    1. Create a new application and select it
    2. Enable the Google Drive API for the application
    3. Register a service account
    4. Generate a key for the service account and download it. Keep the downloaded JSON safe!
  3. From Google Drive:
    1. Create a folder
      • This is called the "root folder" in the code; save files will go here
    2. Share the folder with the service account
      • Like you would with a meatbag person; just share it with the service account's email
      • Service account must be "Editor" (read + write permissions)
  4. Wait a few minutes until Drive API is enabled - API calls will fail in the meantime!

Example deployment (Arch/Manjaro Linux)

  1. Install prerequisites:
# pacman -S sudo python python-pip python-virtualenv
  1. Create a user exclusively for running Minecraft:
# useradd --home=/mc -m --shell=/usr/bin/nologin mc
# cd /mc

(optionally mount /mc to a dedicated BTRFS subvolume or partition) 3. Launch a shell as the new user:

# sudo -u mc $SHELL
  1. Clone this repo:
$ git clone https://github.com/UberLambda/cieloblocco
$ cd cieloblocco
  1. Create a virtualenv and install Python dependencies:
$ virtualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
(venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Setup a server
    1. Download a server pack (.zip) and/or installer script
    2. Unzip/install the pack somewhere in /mc (e.g. /mc/mypack)
    3. Configure /mc/mypack/server.properties appropriately
    4. Tweak any supplied ServerStart.sh script
      • Remove all infinite loops / readline calls / user interaction
      • Disable GUI (nogui)
      • Change Java memory flags appropriately (-Xms, -Xmx, ...)
    5. chmod +x ServerStart.sh
    6. (Optional) Start the server; check if everything is working
    7. (Optional) /op <Player> via the server's console as needed
  2. Symlink the current server folder (for whatever modpack) to /mc/current
  3. Create a /etc/cieloblocco/envfile (in Systemd EnvironmentFile= format)
    • Configure key=value environment variable pairs, as needed by CieloBlocco
    • Or: systemctl edit cieloblocco.service (see (9)), and add environment variables in manually
    • Crucial environment variables:
      • CB_GAME_SERVER_PATH: Path to the server (e.g. /mc/current)
      • CB_GAME_STARTUP_SCRIPT: Relative path to the startup script (e.g. ServerStart.sh)
      • CB_GAME_SAVE_FOLDER: Relative path to world / save files (e.g. world)
      • CB_DISCORD_TOKEN: Token (secret!) for the Discord bot
      • CB_DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID: Discord ID of the text channel the bot is to send messages to
      • CB_GDRIVE_CRED: Path to the GDrive service account key .json
      • CB_GDRIVE_ROOT_ID: File ID of the folder shared with the service account
      • CB_GAME_CONTROL: To setup rcon if needed (see the help of the env.Var)
  4. Copy the GDrive service account key .json to /etc/cieloblocco
    • And change its owner to mc, since the Python script (which is run by the mc user) needs to access it!
  5. Create a systemd unit for the service, e.g.:
Description=CieloBlocco server
After=network.target network-online.target nss-lookup.target

Exec=/mc/cieloblocco/venv/bin/python -m cieloblocco


  1. Start the server:
# systemctl enable cieloblocco
  • Or systemctl enable --now cieloblocco to make the server start with the (virtual) machine
  • The bot should now connect to the Discord channel; click on the "Server running" message's reaction to stop the server. The world is zipped and copied to GDrive immediately after the server is stopped.