Speech recognition module for Python, supporting several engines and APIs, online and offline.
- adelarsqSpassu
- antouanbgNovacom Group.
- benquike
- bradjonescaNew York
- charasmanTypica
- christophermouraPorto, Portugal
- cyrus
- dariushazimiMountain View
- datamutSydney, Australia
- dgiunchiUCL
- dsoul
- garymok
- greysunBeijing,China
- happydpc
- iKeepWalking
- ivanmilosavljevic@getlocal
- jhcloos
- junsgoFuJian
- kingshyg
- kissthinkkissthink
- openube
- pantuts
- PerditionC
- pvergainTerre
- pyzen
- rcmaddenUC San Diego
- rocelWHM
- SixQuant
- tb0hdanSELF
- UberiHypotenuse Labs
- vperillaCuenca - Ecuador
- wangweinjcn
- wkrupa
- Xitang
- yaukwankiu
- yongsunChina Beijing