Import and export uberspaces to and from special .tar
Takeout is organized in TakeoutItems, which handle the import and export of
a single topic. Homedir
takes care of all files in the users home directory,
gets and sets the MySQL passwords.
Implementations can be found in uberspace_takeout/items/{common,u6,u7}.py
To get ready, install takeout using git and pip:
$ git clone
$ cd takeout
$ pip install --user -e .
After pip is done, you can access the tool by calling uberspace-takeout
$ uberspace-takeout --help
Use uberspace-takeout items
to list all tasks, which can be executed.
$ uberspace-takeout items
TakeoutMarker Takeout Marker (internal)
Homedir Homedirectory
Www Documentroot
Cronjobs Cronjobs
MailDomains Mail Domains
Note that some items will be duplicated (once for U6 and once for U7) and that some might not run at all, because they aren't available for uberspace version takeout is running on.
Takeout creates an archive of everything that makes up an uberspace. This includes files, software versions, mysql passwords and much more. Exporting MySQL databases is not yet implemented.
$ uberspace-takeout takeout
writing takeout_luto_2019-09-04_14_44_30.tar.bz2
takeout: TakeoutMarker
takeout: Homedir
takeout: Www
takeout: Cronjobs
takeout: MySQLPassword
takeout: AccessLogItem
takeout: ApacheErrorLogItem
takeout: PhpErrorLogItem
takeout: SpamfilterLogItem
takeout: ToolVersions
takeout: WebDomains
takeout: MailDomains
$ ll *.tar.bz2
-rw-r--r-- 1 luto luto 132 Sep 4 14:44 takeout_luto_2019-09-04_14_44_30.tar.bz2
You can read an archive created by uberspace-takeout takeout
... takein
. It will, to the best of its ability, restore all settings and
files exported earlier. Importing MySQL databases is not yet implemented.
$ uberspace-takeout takein --tar-file takeout_luto_2019-09-04_14_44_30.tar.bz2
reading takeout_luto_2019-09-04_14_44_30.tar.bz2
takein: TakeoutMarker
takein: Homedir
takein: Www
takein: Cronjobs
takein: MySQLPassword
takein: AccessLogItem
takein: ApacheErrorLogItem
takein: PhpErrorLogItem
takein: SpamfilterLogItem
takein: ToolVersions
takein: WebDomains
takein: MailDomains
After cloning, create a virtual environment:
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
Install the development-requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
And run some setup:
pre-commit install
After that you can…
pre-commit run --all-files
Assuming you have been handed the required credentials, a new version can be released as follows.
- adapt the
, according to semver. - commit this change as
Version 1.2.3
- tag the resulting commit as
- push the new tag as well as the
branch - update the package on PyPI:
$ rm dist/*
$ python sdist bdist_wheel
$ twine upload dist/*