A demo of end-to-end federated learning system.
Federated learning gets a lot of attention recently, but the existing work is basically based on simulation testing, and there is no complete system for everyone to study. Therefore, we built an end-to-end cross-terminal federated learning system and tested it on 20 real Android devices(demo below). The code will be actively maintained and optimized, and hope it is useful for open source comunity.
- Install python3.6, pip3, and install the following dependency packages
pip3 install -U MNN
pip3 install cherrypy
pip3 install ws4py
- Run server.py
- The data and initialization model need to be downloaded to the local Android device through the command line tool adb
cd End2end-Federated-Learning/data
adb push mnist.snapshot.mnn /data/local/tmp/mnn/mnist.snapshot.mnn
adb push mnist_data /data/local/tmp/mnist_data
Modify the SERVER_URL in app/src/main/java/com/demo/MainActivity.java to the ip address of the your server
Connect the android device and run the project (must be in the same local area network as the server to run normally)
Prof. Mengwei Xu (mwx@bupt.edu.cn), Prof. Shangguang Wang (sgwang@bupt.edu.cn)