IBus-Unikey IME --------------- Copyright (C) 2009 - 2012 Ubuntu-VN <http://www.ubuntu-vn.org> Author: Lê Quốc Tuấn <mr.lequoctuan@gmail.com> Home: http://ibus-unikey.googlecode.com License: GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE v3 --------------------------------------------- ibus-unikey is an ibus input method engine. It use ukengine for progress key event. (a modified version of ukengine) For support: goto http://forum.ubuntu-vn.org/viewforum.php?f=85 Please read INSTALL for how to install
Vietnamese IM Engine for ibus. Forked from dead upstream at http://code.google.com/p/ibus-unikey/ (mrlequoctuan/ibus-unikey)