
Figures and supplementary material for the Diabetes submission.

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Figures and supplementary material for the Diabetes submission. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2017/09/22/192922

Supplementary Table Legends

Table S1. Human islet donor demographic characteristics and islet metadata

Table S2. ATAC-seq quality control metrics for the 19 islets

Table S3. Meta data and associated statistics of the 10 islets used for differential analyses

Table S4. RNA-seq quality control metrics for the 19 islets

Table S5. Constructs for luciferase assay

Table S6. 154,438 OCRs in 19 islets

Table S7. Statistically significant islet caQTLs

Table S8. Differentially accessible ATAC-seq peaks in T2D islets

Table S9. Differentially expressed genes in T2D islets