
Ansible project to install Zend Server on Ubuntu/Centos

ZendServer Ansible role to install Zend Server with Apache/Nginx on Ubuntu/Centos

Role Variables

At the moment, you can specify the following variables:

Name Default Description
web_server apache The version of Zend Server to install apache/nginx
zendserver_version 8.5 The version of PHP to install 8.0, 8.5, 9.0
php_version 5.6 Add the Zend Server binary dir to the bash profile 5.6, 7.0


- name: Zend Server 
  hosts: all
    - { role: Uccio.ZendServer, php_version: 5.6, zendserver_version: 8.5.4 }



Author Information

Created by Uccio http://uccio.org