
Primary LanguageCSSThe UnlicenseUnlicense

Pure CSS3 Buttons

These are just some buttons I made for one of my friends a while ago to launch as a freebie on his website, Simply Pixels. A few things about them:

  • The buttons are made in pure CSS (perhaps obvious by the title) That means that the background, font size, font, gradients, and pretty much everything about them can be customized. The buttons are pretty adaptable, so feel free to mess around.
  • They work pretty great between different browsers. Firefox seems to dislike rendering Helvetica Neue a little, unfortunately.
  • The CSS is organized by color (e.g the blue button has a class of blue, etc.) Everything's in style.css. To integrate, you can copy the CSS for the button you need into your own stylesheet, and just apply the appropriate class to whatever element you want to style.
