
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

What Should We Play? (Front-end)

Deploy to DO

This repo serves as the front-end for What Should We Play?, a project I built for the DigitalOcean App Platform Hackathon. You can read over there about my motivation for starting the project and how to get started with setting up a dev environment! You can also see my original hackathon submission post here.

Note: If you're using the Deploy to DigitalOcean button, please see the Deploying to DigitalOcean for details.

πŸ“š Front-end stack/requirements

The front-end for this project was built in React (using create-react-app) and uses the Chakra UI component library throughout its components. It also uses icons from Octicons, Font Awesome and HeroIcons via react-icons.

Before building and running this on your local computer, please make sure you go through the back-end setup described in the README there because this depends on that!

πŸ”¨ Building the front-end locally

  1. Clone this repo to your computer: git clone https://github.com/mm/wswp-frontend

  2. Create an .env.local file. In it, specify the base URL for the back-end API so the two can communicate, for example:

  3. In the project root, run yarn and let dependencies install (you only need to do this once)

  4. In the project root, run yarn start to start the development server and you're good to go!

πŸš€ Deploying to DigitalOcean

If you use the "Deploy to DigitalOcean" button in this README, only the front-end will be deployed. This is due to a current limitation with the button where combining static sites and services isn't possible yet. Make sure the back-end has been deployed to DO first (by using the button here), and make note of the back-end's app URL. When deploying this front-end, you'll be asked for a REACT_APP_API_URL. This is https://your-app-slug.ondigitalocean.app/api/v1 once it has been deployed.

Alternatively, you can fork this repo to your own GitHub account and deploy it as a static site component of the back-end once that's been deployed to DO! To do this:

  1. Go to your back-end app deployment in your DigitalOcean App Platform account.

  2. Click on "Components", and then "+ Create Component" (Static Site). Select your forked front-end repository. You'll need to set your REACT_APP_API_URL to ${APP_URL}/api/v1. Go ahead and also change your HTTP Routes from /wswp-frontend (or whatever is auto-populated) to /.

  3. Deploy and let it build ☺️