
(DEPRICATED) Bro JSON to TSV converter.

Primary LanguagePython

DEPRICATED - RITA NOW SUPPORTS JSON - https://github.com/activecm/rita



Covert Bro JSON files (specifically, conn, dns, http and ssl) in the input_folder to TSV in the output_folder


Active Countermeasures (https://www.activecountermeasures.com/) has an awesome project called RITA (https://github.com/activecm/rita) that analyzes bro, TSV, telemetry to look for beaconing, DNS tunneling, and blacklist hits.

Security Onion, by default, creates the bro telemetry as JSON. Several vendors I used needed JSON so the easiest thing was to create a converter.


The optimal way to use this script is to:

  1. Get your logs onto the same box that RITA is installed on
  2. Convert those logs with these scripts
  3. Use a rolling import of the converted logs into RITA

As an example, below is the methodology I use:

  1. On each Security Onion worker, use google-fluentd to send conn, dns, http, and ssl logs to Stackdriver. (Alternately, you could add a new syslog destination for those logs via /etc/syslog-ng/syslog.conf)
  2. Export those logs from Stackdriver to GCS (occurs hourly)
  3. An hourly cronjob, on the RITA box, downloads the new logs from GCS, converts them using these scripts, imports the logs into RITA with a rolling import, delete the logs you just imported (since it's a rolling chunked import).


  • python3, python3-pip
  • Libraries: tqdm (can be installed with pip3 install -r requirements.txt)


python3 run_parser.py -i json/ -o tsv/

Converting files from JSON to TSV
Running: json/ssl.log
Running: json/http.log
Running: json/dns.log
Making directory: tsv/subdir
Uncompressing json/subdir/ssl-subdir.log.gz
Running: json/subdir/ssl-subdir.log
Uncompressing json/subdir/http-subdir.log.gz
Running: json/subdir/http-subdir.log
Running: json/subdir/conn-subdir.log
Running: json/subdir/dns-subdir.log
 89%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▏            | 8/9 [00:00<00:00, 75.05it/s]

There is an optional parameter "--keep_original" or "-k" which will keep the gunzip'd files AND delete the decompressed files after running them


  • For every file/path in the input folder path:
    • For every input folder, create the corresponding output folder
    • For every actual file
      • Create a new output file, in the same corresponding directory as the input file
      • If the file is a ".gz" gunzip it. (keeping gz file if -k/--keep_original parameter is given)
      • Check the first line of the file to see what file type it is (e.g. conn, by checking the keys in the dict)
      • Add the TSV header to the output file
      • Add each JSON line as TSV to the output file
      • Delete the decompressed ".gz" file IF the -k/--keep_original parameter is given


  • Be careful with module/make_header.py. The header format is finicky, e.g. most items are separated by tabs, not spaces. Modifying it (e.g. converting the tabs to 4 spaces) will break TSV readers/parsers.
  • All initial and resulting files will be maintained. It is up to you to manage the file deletion on your own if you're changing in/out files.
  • The script will overwrite files in the output folder if it already exists.