
A functional wrapper around the Soot API providing access to the jimple, shimple, and call graph for classes loaded from source, class files, or APKs. Hides the global state of soot behind a thread safe interface (achieved by a big lock).


Call any of:

SootWrapper.Source source = SootWrapper.fromApk("/path/to/apk", "/path/to/android/platforms");
SootWrapper.Source source = SootWrapper.fromClasses("/directory/to/analyze", "/additional/classpath:/items/here");
SootWrapper.Source source = SootWrapper.fromSource("/directory/to/analyze", "/additional/classpath:/items/here");

And then any of:

Chain<SootClass> jimple = source.getJimple();
Chain<SootClass> shimple = source.getShimple();
CallGraph source.getCallGraph();

Imports as needed:

import org.ucombinator.SootWrapper;
import soot.SootClass;
import soot.util.Chain;
import soot.jimple.toolkits.callgraph.CallGraph;

Getting it

The current version of this project is published in the maven repository at as:

groupId artifactId version
soot-wrapper org.ucombinator 0.1

Depend on it from a tool that supports maven-style dependency management like maven, ivy, sbt, or leiningen.

Sample sbt build.sbt project configuration depending on this tool:

name := "soot-test"

organization := "org.ucombinator"

version := "0-SNAPSHOT"

resolvers += "Ucombinator maven repository on github" at ""

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
        "org.ucombinator" % "soot-wrapper" % "0.1"


To make a new release, first update the version number in build.sbt and the readme. Then run:

sbt -Ducombinator-repo=/path/to/repo publish

where /path/to/repo is the path to a checkout of the gh-site branch of Then commit and push the changes to both repositories.