
Microservice to query data from DWD for remanent storage

Primary LanguageJavaScript


JavaScript Style Guide

dwd_data_crawler is a micro service to crawl data from DWD (Deutscher Wetter Dienst) and store it for later use in a file system.

Set of logos


See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (MIT).


Part of data on opendata.dwd.de is provided compressed with bzip2. bzip2 has a very high compression rate but it is rather slow with decompression speed. In order to increase performance the downloaded bzip2 data is decompressed and compressed with lz4 again. lz4 does not have a compression rate as good as bzip2 but is an order of magnitude faster for decompression.

As of today we, the authors of dwd_data_crawler, are not aware of high performance implementation fo bzip2 and lz4 in plain JavaScript and/or node.js. Therefore we have decided to perform bzip2 and lz4 decompression/compression by calling LINUX bzip2 and lz4 commands via child_compress.execFile. Thus, bzip2 and lz4 commands form dependencies of dwd_data_crawler.


dwd_data_crawler is configured by means of environment variables. Currently the following environment variables are supported:

  • DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY_BASE_PATH: Base path of the directory where the downloaded files shall be stored. This is a mandatory parameter.
  • ICON_D2_CRAWL_RETRY_WAIT_MINUTES: Number of minutes to wait before next attempt to crawl for COSMO DE data, when crawling data failed. This is an optional parameter. Standard value is 1.
  • ICON_D2_COMPLETE_CYCLE_WAIT_MINUTES: Number of minutes to wait before start next crawl cycle for COSMO DE data, once the current cycle is finished. This is an optional parameter. Standard values is 10.
  • FORECAST_CRAWL_RETRY_WAIT_MINUTES: Number of minutes to wait before next attempt to crawl for forecast data, when crawling data failed. This is an optional parameter. Standard value is 1.
  • FORECAST_COMPLETE_CYCLE_WAIT_MINUTES: Number of minutes to wait before start next crawl cycle for forecast data, once the current cycle is finished. This is an optional parameter. Standard values is 120.
  • REPORT_CRAWL_RETRY_WAIT_MINUTES: Number of minutes to wait before next attempt to crawl for report data, when crawling data failed. This is an optional parameter. Standard value is 1.
  • REPORT_COMPLETE_CYCLE_WAIT_MINUTES: Number of minutes to wait before start next crawl cycle for report data, once the current cycle is finished. This is an optional parameter. Standard value is 30.
  • LOG_LEVEL: The log level to be used for this service instance. This is an optional parameter. Standard value is info.

Sample call to run with standard settings for optional parameters:

$ DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY_BASE_PATH=/mnt/download_volume node index.js

Basic idea

The basic idea behind dwd_data_crawler is to query and store data from opendata.dwd.de. This allows for building a local data storage of historical and forecast data for later use in research and development. opendata.dwd.de is a free service offered by DWD which provides weather and climate data based on real measurements and forecast calculations.

As data on opendata.dwd.de is overwritten on a regular basis, dwd_data_crawler fetches data cyclically. As opendata.dwd.de stores data for different points in time using the same file path, dwd_data_crawler uses a slightly different folder structure than opendata.dwd.de.

How it works

The dwd_data_crawler is implemented as three endless loops that run concurrently in a single node.js proces.

  • reportMain cyclically queries the data from /weather/weather_reports/poi
  • forecastMain cyclically queries the data from /weather/local_forecasts/poi
  • ICON_D2Main cyclically queries the data from /weather/icon-d2/grib


Report data are queried in an endless loop as shown in the followig state chart.

At the beginning of each loop the IP address of opendata.dwd.de is queried, as due to too many requests the DNS refuses services, when all requests are made by domain name.

When the IP address is known all available paths of report files are queried as a list of items. If an error occurs while querying the list of paths of report files, a wait time of REPORT_CRAWL_RETRY_WAIT_MINUTES is triggered before the next attempt is made to query the list of paths of report files.

Afterwards, for each item in the list a download is performed. The download is implemented in a way, that three attempts are made to download the (this due to potential rate limiting being active at DWD). Once all items have been downloaded successully, a pause is initiated with a parameterizable wait time of REPORT_COMPLETE_CYCLE_WAIT_MINUTES.

As DWD reuses paths of report files the downloaded files are stored in a slightly different file structur in order to prevent new files overriding old files. For details see file storage for reports.


Forecast data are queried in an endless loop as shown in the followig state chart.

At the beginning of each loop the IP address of opendata.dwd.de is queried, as due to too many requests the DNS refuses services, when all requests are made by domain name.

When the IP address is known all available paths of forecast files are queried as a list of items. If an error occurs while querying the list of paths of forecast files, a wait time of FORECAST_CRAWL_RETRY_WAIT_MINUTES is triggered before the next attempt is made to query the list of paths of report files.

Afterwards, for each item in the list a download is performed. The download is implemented in a way, that three attempts are made to download the (this due to potential rate limiting being active at DWD). Once all items have been downloaded successully, a pause is initiated with a parameterizable wait time of FORECAST_COMPLETE_CYCLE_WAIT_MINUTES.

As DWD reuses paths of report files the downloaded files are stored in a slightly different file structur in order to prevent new files overriding old files. For details see file storage for forecasts.


Forecast data are queried in an endless loop as shown in the followig state chart.

At the beginning of each loop the IP address of opendata.dwd.de is queried, as due to too many requests the DNS refuses services, when all requests are made by domain name.

When the IP address is known all available paths of forecast files are queried as a list of items. If an error occurs while querying the list of paths of COSMO DE files, a wait time of ICON_D2_CRAWL_RETRY_WAIT_MINUTES is triggered before the next attempt is made to query the list of paths of report files.

Afterwards, for each item in the list a download is performed. The download is implemented in a way, that three attempts are made to download the (this due to potential rate limiting being active at DWD). The file provided by DWD are grib2 files compressed using bzip2. While bzip2 provides a very good compression rate, decompressing bzip2 files is rather slow. Therefore the bzip2 files are decompressed and compressed again using lz4 compression algorithm.

Once all items have been downloaded successully, a pause is initiated with a parameterizable wait time of ICON_D2_COMPLETE_CYCLE_WAIT_MINUTES .

As DWD reuses paths of report files the downloaded files are stored in a slightly different file structur in order to prevent new files overriding old files. For details see file storage for COSMO DE forecasts.

Structure of file storage


Filepath on opendata.dwd.de



  • $STATION_ID is the station id the forecast data refers to.

Filepath on local storage



  • $DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY_BASE_PATH is the base path for the downloaded data on the local storage
  • $YYYY is the 4 digit year the first forecast data refers to
  • $MM is the 2 digit month the first forecast data refers to (01 to 12)
  • $DD is the 2 digit day of month the first forecast data refers to (01 to 31)
  • $HH is the 2 digit hour of day the first foreact data refers to (06 or 18)
  • $STATION_ID is the station id the forecast data refers to.

If you want to load the forecast for 9th February 2018 starting at 6 am (UTC) of station 01271 the corresponding data can be found in the file /$DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY_BASE_PATH/weather/local_forecasts/poi/2018020906/01271-MOSMIX.csv


Filepath on opendata.dwd.de



  • $STATION_ID is the station id the report data refers to.

Filepath on local storage



  • $DOWN_LOAD_DIRECTORY_BASE_PATH is the base path for the downloaded data on the local storage
  • $YYYY is the 4 digit year the first report data refers to
  • $MM is the 2 digit month the first report data refers to (01 to 12)
  • $DD is the 2 digit day of month the first report data refers to (01 to 31)
  • $STATION_ID is the station id the report data refers to.

If you want to load the reported data for 9th February 2018 (UTC) of station 01271 the corresponding data can be found in the file /$DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY_BASE_PATH/weather/local_forecasts/poi/20180209/01271-BEOB.csv


Filepath on opendata.dwd.de <- needs update!



  • $HH is the fore cast run hour the data refers to (00, 03, 06, 09, 12, 15, 18, 21)
  • $dwd_voi is the encoding of the value of interest in lowercase letters (e.g. alb_rad)
  • $DWD_VOI is the encoding of the value of interest in uppercase letters (e.g. ALB_RAD)
  • $YYYY is the 4 digit year of the forecast run the data refers to
  • $MM is the 2 digit month of the forecast run the data refers to (01 to 12)
  • $DD is the 2 digit day of month of the forecast run the data refers to (01 to 31)
  • $FH is the 3 digit forecast hour of the forecast run the data refers to (e.g. 021 for forecast in 21 hours as of $YYYY-$MM-$DD $HH:00:00)

Filepath on local storage <- needs update!



  • $DOWN_LOAD_DIRECTORY_BASE_PATH is the base path for the downloaded data on the local storage
  • $YYYY is the 4 digit year of the forecast run the data refers to
  • $MM is the 2 digit month of the forecast run the data refers to (01 to 12)
  • $DD is the 2 digit day of month of the forecast run the data refers to (01 to 31)
  • $HH is the fore cast run hour the data refers to (00, 03, 06, 09, 12, 15, 18, 21)
  • $dwd_voi is the encoding of the value of interest in lowercase letters (e.g. alb_rad)
  • $DWD_VOI is the encoding of the value of interest in uppercase letters (e.g. ALB_RAD)
  • $FH is the 3 digit forecast hour of the forecast run the data refers to (e.g. 021 for forecast in 21 hours as of $YYYY-$MM-$DD $HH:00:00)